
Showing posts from July, 2012

Review: Super Fighting Robot

So I've been on a weird Mega Man kick in my last few post and this one is no different. I've had Mega Man toys in the past from both Bandai (who did the old cartoon line) and Jazwars (did the 20th anniversary line). but neither of them where all that good. So while looking at Bandai's new D-Arts Line of MegaMan X figures I found this gem by Kotobukiya . I bought their Mega Man 1/10th scale action figure model . This figure was awesome instantly fell in love the figure. He is amazingly poseable so much as I was able to recreate a famous move of his the sliding. He comes with many accessories to change up how you want to display him. the 1st is a set of 3 different faces for 3 different mood. the normal no real emotion face. A happy face for when he happy and a serious face for battle but the face is not an important accessories what is important is the mega buster the mega buster can be placed in on left or the right...

Video Game Comics

There are no two thing I love more than comic books and video games. Now over the years comics have made games and games into comics. Now ever now and then a real gem pops up like Arkham Asylum. It is rare when a game gets a really well done comic adaptation. Well with my recent nostalgia into Mega Man Legends I thought to look into the new Archie Comics titled Mega Man. Now I picked up this series which is now up to 15 issues. The comic is written Ian Flynn (known for his work in the Sonic comics) with a diffrent artist every 4 issues. I wont get into the artist to much because each comic's art is so much like the official art for the series. Now the writting is just perfect the 1st 4 issues cover the original game story. With an original story in 5 to 8. Then the next 4 issues follow game two. The next story is unfinished as the last issue in the ark is not out yet (as of writing this), however it is also an original story. The way the books are written every thing flows from ada...

My top 5s

My top 5 games are not top 5 over all this will be done by generation starting with the Nintendo and ending with the this generation I will also do my top 5 PC games. The 8bit era The Legend of Zelda Super Mario Bros. 3 Kirby's Dreamland Final Fantasy Duck Hunt The 8 bit era for me was my childhood my older siblings and cousins where the ones who introduced me to these games and I would go back and later and I just love them for what. the top 2 just seem to be staples in most top game lists. Kirby is just a game I fell in love with the whole eating and steeling and enemy's powers was awesome. now Duck Hunt is on here because of playing it with my dad 16 bit era Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past Chrono Trigger   Final Fantasy II aka Final Fantasy IV   Super Mario World Sonic the Hedgehog 2 This era is when I fell in love with the rpg. Again their are a lot of stap...

My thoughts on a lost game

So I've been hanging out at  a lot this last few weeks and i'm a huge fan of a video pod cast they do called  Replay . Now this show takes old games and plays them to see how they've aged. Now they also do what they call a Super Replay in which they play the whole story from start to finish of a game.  Now I started watching one that made me really nostalgic for my PS1 and that was MegaMan Legends. Now if anyone knows me I'm not a huge fan of MegaMan games, but this little gem caught my attention and held it really well. Now while watching this replay I learned of MegaMan Legends 3. Excited I looked it up and I learned  that the project had been canceled. I also learned that the fans are doing there best to protest this and relaunch the project. I also got to thinking when was the last successful MegaMan game and that was MegaMan 10 for the XLA, PSN, and Virtual Console. a downloadable game that was 8 bit and is now...

Review: Amazing Spider-Man the Game

Spider-Man has has a unique history with video games most of them bad but their have been a few gems. "Amazing Spider-Man the Game" is not one of them but is it's not a just stink bomb of a game that has had the Spider-Man name. This game is not a bad game but not a good game either it falls in the middle. If looked at as a Spider-Man game it not that great however if you look at a movie tie in game it's not bad. their are several pros and cons with this game that keep it in the middle.  The Story The story is one of the good points in this game. The story takes place 4 months after the movie and spoils a lot of plot points of the movie. The story it's self is kinda campy and fits the old comic stories in which a lot of the characters come from but still has this edgy feel of modern Spider-Man. One of the cons of the story is how some of the villains are portrayed most characters. Rhino, Scorpion, and Vermin are animals exposed to human DNA in the reverse of C...

A Quick Update

So I got the last piece of of my month of Spider-Man and that is the "Amazing Spider-Man the Game". Now I would love to review this however I'm not sure on how long it is and I also have the Stan Lee pre-order bonus. So here is my dead line if I don't have this game beaten by July 16 then I will probably not review the game. Now what I call beaten is the whole story enough of the side missions that I've got a feel for the pattern and all of the Stan Lee stuff.

Amazing is One Word for It

First I’d like to wish my readers a happy Independence Day (the holiday not the Blockbuster movie starring Will Smith) However this blog is not about today but about what came out yesterday. Yes I am talking about “Amazing Spider-Man” and this is my review. This review like the other movie will be looked at in 3 parts The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, however I will also add a fourth part called the 3D. So without any more delay here is my Review of “Amazing Spider-Man”. The Good Ok I’m going to start by saying I did not have the bar set high for this film and I was wrong not to.   Ok I want to start by saying this movie did nothing but surprise me the actors, the story, and the action. These are the 3 things I’m going to focus on for this part of the review. The Actors are amazing (pardon the pun) I was worried about some of the choices of the actors, but everyone did an amazing job. I want to start talking about Andrew Garfield and how he plays Peter Parker. There ...