My thoughts on a lost game

So I've been hanging out at a lot this last few weeks and i'm a huge fan of a video pod cast they do called Replay. Now this show takes old games and plays them to see how they've aged. Now they also do what they call a Super Replay in which they play the whole story from start to finish of a game.  Now I started watching one that made me really nostalgic for my PS1 and that was MegaMan Legends. Now if anyone knows me I'm not a huge fan of MegaMan games, but this little gem caught my attention and held it really well. Now while watching this replay I learned of MegaMan Legends 3. Excited I looked it up and I learned  that the project had been canceled. I also learned that the fans are doing there best to protest this and relaunch the project. I also got to thinking when was the last successful MegaMan game and that was MegaMan 10 for the XLA, PSN, and Virtual Console. a downloadable game that was 8 bit and is now 2 years old. I remember a time back around the 25th birthday of the blue bomber that their where 2 MegaMan  games a year. I then started thinking that this franchise needs a reboot. Well in a way more of a reintroduction to the game series. Capcom should re-release the original trilogy of games for either in a HD remix or give them an UP date for the 3DS. and use these to judge weather or not MegaMan Legends 3 would sell. I would also go ahead and release that Prototype game you original planed to on the eShop and also judge sells. Yeah I know I'm asking a lot but this way you put the game back into the mind of the player and you are giving new life to the MegaMan franchise. And I say this because if you don't use it you'll lose it and right now is the time to reintroduce MegaMan, and if it don't happen soon you'll have to reboot the whole franchise.


  1. I need to make a correction here this year is the 25th of mega man. I was thinking of the 20th anniversary when it seemed like 2 game a year where coming out for Megaman


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