A Long Needed Update

So my life has been crazy sense the last post and that has not allowed me to post any thing in the last 3 months for that I am sorry. So I'm doing an update with hope that I can at least do one a week. I am also looking into a video Review for the figures that will be posted here and to YouTube as well.  So let break this up shall we in to 3 categorize Movies, Games, TV, Comics and Figures.  OK now we will start with...


 The only movie I've seen that I think is worth talking is The Avengers. This movie was amazing and is a must see for every one. all the actors did the roles justice  The only one I was nerves about was Mark Ruffalo and he did a great job as Bruce Banner. This movie is a must see so go and see it


 OK in the games their haven't been to many games I have been playing i picked up Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and now I'm playing Fable Heroes. Both Games are really good for different reasons. If you are an epic fantasy fan pick up KOA if you are a fable fan pick up heroes. both games are really well done and I recommend them


In TV I'm going to talk about two things one show that had it finally and another one we've waited to long for. the 1st is Voltron Force witch ended its 1st season the show has done so much to resurrect the Voltron franchise it was a great ending and I'm looking forward to season 2. The second show i wanted to talk about is The Legend of Kora. the sequel to Avatar the Last Airbender. the show has that a lot of the same elements of the original. They are both good show and worth checking out.


there is not so much to talk about here. DC is doing earth 2 again. Marvel big thing is Avengers vs. X-men though I am liking the Spider-Man story arc ends of the earth. i was out at C2E2 this year and I had a blast.

Action Figures

Ok toys has been big for me in the last few months. I manage to get all of the FE for transformers Prime even the ones that didn't get released. and this is a buy for any transformers fan. now I also got my hands on the 1st two waves of the RID wave and they have a lot of good figures they only one I would say pass on is the cliffjumper and that's if you already have the FE version. Now I move from one set of giant robots to another the Voltron Classics line this line is selling out in the 1st day and they are worth it if you missed out i am sorry but Mattel planing a 2nd release no clue when. now i want to movie to another childhood toy of mine and that is G.I. Joe. i just got G.I. Joe Sneak Peek set from amazon this set has 4 of the wave one figures before the street date. this is a get for G.I. Joe Fans  it come with: Roadblock, Snake Eyes, Storm Shadow, and Cobra Commander. now this set not all great figures  pros the CC is film accurate color, this Snake Eyes, and Storm Shadow  don't have that Zip line gimmick. Cons is road block while this figure looks just like the Rock minus ink it has the missile launcher gimmick but that's not the big con the "battle kata" use to connect the rocket launcher is attached to the right hand and can not be removed. All and all a good set i hope i can get picture or video up soon.

that's the update hope you enjoyed more to come i hope


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