An Amazing Review

I don’t normally start post with disclaimer but I feel the need to apologies to my readers I said a few weeks back that I would review all three Spider-Man movies and I only got around to one . The thing is after sitting down and watching the movies I decided against it. Now I have my reasons for it and hear they are: “Spider-Man 2” would have read along the same lines of the 1st review with additions respecting Alfred Molina as Doc Ock, who I though did an amazing job as the character with the only flaw being his death at the end. I would also go on to just talk about how much Dunst is not right for this role and how she screws it up. The last bit would be my change and that the John Jameson and MJ dating thing. “Spider-Man 3” basically comes down to something my mom told as a kid, “If you can’t say something nice don’t say anything at all.” Well I like the Venom costume design but at was it. And now for the review I am doing it is a special printing by Marvel celebrating 50 years of Spider-Man called “Amazing Fantasy 15: Spider-Man! #1” which is a reprint of the original “Amazing Fantasy #15” (AF 15) and “Amazing Spider-Man vol. 1 #1” (ASM 1).

The Review
This book takes the 1st two stories written by Stan “The Man” Lee and Drawn by Steve Ditko. The 1st thing we see before opening the book is the iconic cover By Jack “The King” Kirby re-colored by Dean White and omitting the words bubbles.
Then we a treated to the original AF 15 as it was presented 50 years ago with one minor change Jean-Francois Beaulieu of “Wonderful Wizard of OZ” fame has also re-colored the book on the whole including the original cover as it appeared word balloons and all . This is also done for ASM 1 as well. All and all the new colors brighten up the old story I’d say this is a buy for anyone who doesn’t have these two classic issues or has them but doesn’t read them


  1. Ok so before people say my review on the book isn't complete or something to that nature. I want to explain that i only talk about the new colors because that was their whole reason for this release. If I want to review the story and the art I would of, but you know these guys most comic book people worshiper the ground they walk on. I also felt that these stories didn't need reviewed again.


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