I'm Back

Hello and hey to all my readers.  Frist I want to apologies to all my loyal readers shortly after my last post my laptop died. Then shortly after that I had a tragedy in my family that kept me writing however I am back.  I’m working on some projects that will be related to the blog. I have been inspired by Gameinformer’s Replay and Achievement Hunter’s Let’s Play to do video as well. I can currently do PC captures and working on capturing my Xbox and Wii U. I’m also looking for at least 2 more people for a weekly podcast so if you’re interested let me know.  In other new there are 3 big things I want to talk about first Sony’s Playstation 4 announcement, and  Marvel’s  Superior Spider-Man, and The Amazing Soider-Man 2.

Playstation 4

This news was not unexpected but it was disappointing. I’m not going into the specs of the console if you are interested you can view them here or if you want watch the press conference you can do so here . I do love the specs and I’m excited to see what the machine looks like. Oh yeah they talked about it but we never saw the console at all may be E3 will bring some more news and some launch titles. They are shooting for a holiday 2013 release.

Superior Spider-Man

Before I start this I must say SPOLIER WARNING. In Amazing Spider-Man #700 Doc Ock successfully switched bodies with Peter Parker causing fan uproar.  Mostly because Peter fails to switch back or so we think (more on that in a bit).  Here is how bad fans took this one Dan Slott has received death treats . this lead to Marvel Now title Superior Spider-Man. Don’t get me wrong I hate this decision to make Otto Octavius Spider-Man but the story is still well written  I hate that I’m reading this because it gives Slott permission to just do whatever he wants. The only good news is that Peter is not all that dead at the end of ASM #700 Peter forces his memories on Ock leaving a ghost of himself to watch over and he is trying to retake his body. I read still in hopes that soon Peter comes back and Ock escapes and becomes a villain again.

Amazing Spider-Man 2

If you know me I loved the first movie they was very little I didn’t like you can read me review here .  The big things I wanted to talk about are the new cast members and the new suit.  The new cast in that includes Jamie Foxx, Dane DeHaan, Shailene Woodley, and Paul Giamatti. Now DeHaan and Woodley will be Harry and MJ and are not my big issues.  My big Issues are with Jamie Foxx who will play Max Dillon aka Electro and Paul Giamatti as The Rhino. My fear they do a lizard esq type The Rhino and not the Russian mob member  given power and stuck in a suit.  I guess I’ll just wait and see with the cast.  The suit is not a complaint is I’m happy they are going with a more traditional look I like it you can see it here  


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