Out of the Box: Gali Master of Water and Protector of Water

Welcome  back to Out of the Box this time we take a look two more Bionicle 2015 sets as we look at Gali Master of Water and the Protector of Water (PoW).

Like with the last Bionicle review we will start with the PoW
Like the last Protector the PoW uses CCBS and lacks a gearbox.  Again this does not mean no function.

Her weapon take the form of a Diver propulsion vehicle and to help in the under water movement she has turbines that attach to her shoulders. Like the PoS she shoot studs.
Moving on to Gali

Gali like the others is build using the CCBS and includes a harpoon weapon and two propulsion fins. The Fins can be combined with the harpoon to make a larger weapon (we will look at that soon).
 Again the CCBS system allows for just so much in the way of movement i'm slowly becoming very impressed by the simplicity if the system. Her gearbox feature allow for only a singular moveable arm. Gali like the other also come with a gold mask which can be worn.

 Like all the other sets these two also come with silver skull spiders.
These Skull spider can also be worn by both Gali and PoW

Now On to the combination. to combine them take the weapon and turbines from the PoW. Have Gail hold the weapon in her hands and place the turbines on her upper arm after removing the armor. Take the Harpoon and plug it into the turbine on her left. Now take the fins and place them on the out side of her hands. And you have the Combined mode.
 Over all these are great sets and I recommend them to any Bionicle Fan new or Old. The 15 and 10 dollar price point is very fair and  reasonable for what you get from the figures.  My only complaint it with Gali's combined weapon it too heavy for her to old properly. If you see these at you local toy or department store a totally recommend picking them up.  


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