Bionicle 2015: The Story so Far

So last blog I talk about my history with the Lego Bionicle line and how they chose to tell the story of the original launch. Now in 2015 with this new generation of figures Lego has gone back to its web roots for the line and is doing a series of animations to tell the story.  Each review will follow an image that will act as a link to the video.

The Legend

This episode was strictly world building. What I mean was they set up the premise of the whole world which is the masks of power and their creators and the events that impact the story. So let’s look at the animation it is simple and it works without being overly detailed. Character wise we see one return and one knew character. The new character is the mask maker Ekimu who wears the golden Mask of Creation. The old character is Makuta, though this time he too is a mask maker and brother too Ekimu and wore the golden Mask of Control. I feel as though he will serve as the primary villain as he did in the original series. All in all this is a good set up to the story as a whole.

Episode 1: Prophecy of Heroes

So in the episode we learn of the Prophecy of Heroes and we see the protectors for the 1st time this episode is great exposition and hints at the possibility of the Mask of Time returning to this franchise. My only complaint and this more with the line than with animation is that the protectors have not been given names at all. Oh well on to the next one 

Episode 2: The Arrival

We finally see one of our heroes Toa Tahu Master of fire.  This episode was a good intro to how our heroes are perceived by the islanders. We are also shown the Skull spiders for the 1st time as well. On top of that we are introduced to one facet of Tahu personality and that is that he is really lucky not counting that last hit all of the repelling of skull spiders was dumb luck. We also see that the protectors serve as village Elders, though the end makes me laugh a little because  he removes his cloak and bam he is jacked and shoulder cannon because why not. Let’s continue shall we.

Episode 3: Quest for the Golden Masks

We see our heroes as they travel to find the golden masks. I like that the fact it shows all of the toa and protectors. We even see some more personality from the toa this time from Kopaka and the fact he is a little clumsy. So far all this episode did was build suspense.

Episode 4: The Protectors Fight Back

This Episode is a bit misleading one it’s not Protectors it is Protector one we never see the others at all. A good thing about this is we see how overwhelming the skull spiders are.  It ends with Lava surfing and a he man joke.

Episode 5:  The Power of the Golden Masks

This episode was ok we see the toa get the golden mask of power that unlocks there elemental power. This shows how powerful the toa can be and is the last episode to be released so far with episode 6 listed as coming soon 

So far it is interesting my major complaint is it seems to focus on Tahu. though in you want to see the others you can go to the video page and watch the character videos. I'm looking forward to seeing how the story get flushed out in the future and if other character from the past line make a return.


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