
Showing posts from 2014

Bad Romance...

Ok so one of my favorite RPG game developers is BioWare. They were originally known for their fantasy RPG series Baldur’s Gate and Neverwinter Nights both based on the pen and paper RPG franchise: Dungeons & Dragons. Now in 2003 they made a takeoff hit with Lucas Arts in the form of Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic (KOTOR). KOTOR was one of the best games of that generation hands down. It added awesome features such as a morality system; however something else it did was give depth to the point you could form relationships with your party members. This even allowed for romantic relationships with a few characters. This would become a staple in future BioWare games. With the new found success BioWare ventured away from licensed games and began creating original IPs. Now in 2007 BioWare made their spiritual Star Wars successor Mass Effect. Mass Effect was a science fiction/action RPG that followed similar mechanics to BioWare’s past RPGs. It had a morality system, and it went

An Update and Question

So in my last blog a said I would take on a retrospective review of Power Rangers By seasons and that project is still happening it was just a bigger undertaking than I thought it would be. I'm am half way done and I needed to take a break from it so I did and found that I can't wait till I get done because season 2 and on will be much simpler. Now on to the question at hand i'm wanting to do another lets play series on twitch  but I don't know what I want to play.  Now I could do another minecraft run but I would have to come up with some interesting goals for that series. An ideas let me know. Now I've gotten into A minecraft esq clone called Terraria now if I do this it would have to be a normal mode run stopping after the Wall of Flesh. Now with both of these I would rather do a multiplayer stream.  Now another idea one that I am fond of is doing a Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic run as it is one of my favorite RPGs and i'm kinda on a star wars kick. A

An upcoming Idea

So I recently got caught up with one of my favorite reviewer and internet personalities Linkara 's (aka Lewis Lovhaug) show History of Power Rangers (HOPR). He started the show back April of 2010 and has been updating it as he get caught up on each show. He recently put out his take on Operation Overdrive and that got me thinking. Linkara has been a huge inspiration to me, this blog, and in some parts the podcast as well (there are a lot of people who inspired the podcast). Now the thought that I got was why haven't I done a Review/Retrospective of Power Rangers. The answer to that is well not all of my listeners/readers are Power Ranger fans to the extent I am. Now I recently changed my mind about this when a friend got me an early birthday present of Turbo a Power Ranger Movie   on DVD. Now you may be asking why did a friend have to get it for me. Well I do own a copy but it is VHS and sadly my VCR does not work any more, and with the confusion in the last few years of the

Countdown to Hyrule Warriors: Part 5

Hyrule Warriors is here and to celebrate the final character in my favorite character countdown is Link ah but which Link. Number 1:  Hero of Time. Now this link wasn't always my favorite Link, but after his third appearance. That’s right he has been in three games he stared in two and returned to teach the hero in the third. But we will address those games as they come but let us start with the first game OOT. This is where we are introduced to this Link as a young boy who lives in the forest with a childlike race called Kokiri . One day he awoke to find that he now like the rest of the Korkri had a fairy partner named Navi. He was then tasked by the Great Deku Tree to save the kingdom of Hyrule.  After gathering the three stones he enters the temple of time and draws the Master Sword. He was then sealed inside the temple for 10 years. After he awoke he was now an adult however Hyrule had fallen. This link would then journey to find the sages and gain

Countdown to Hyrule Warriors: Part 4

So now on to my favorite Zelda, and I know what your thinking aren’t they all the same. The Answer is No they are not all the same.  Epically my two favorites Zeldas So on with the count down. Number 2:  The Not Zeldas Sheik and Tetra.     Now I Know what you thinking you can’t have two favorites then this is a top six. To you I reply, ‘I do what I want!” but I will give you more detail on why these two earn my admiration. Ok so Sheik is from OOT and appears to help Link in the second half of the game. It’s only revealed at the end that Sheik was Zelda is disguise.  You spend the whole game wondering who this person could be. They claimed to be Sheikah however they look nothing like the one person who is established as the last of the Sheikah Impa. They have blond hair and fair skin. Ok if your wonder why I’m avoiding gender pronouns it is never made clear how the Sheik transformation works. If you read the manga adaptation Sheik is a dude and Zelda is a chick a

Countdown to Hyrule Warriors: Part 3

Ok now on to day three of our countdown to Hyrule Warrior.  Now for day three I thought I do a villain but the only one I like that even worth talking about is the villain from my favorite Zelda game Majora's Mask (MM) the Skull Kid.   Number 3: Skull Kid Skull is not my favorite villain honestly I don’t have a favorite villain. He is my favorite all out mystery. The reason he is a mystery is a Skull Kid has been in three games. Those game are OOT, MM, and TP (see previous blogs).  The Skull Kid first appeared In OOT there where one who you would give the skull mask to you and two others who just want to play music.  Now here is where theory begins. Now Skull Kid serves as the antagonist for MM. In reality he was being used by the mask.  However it is believed that this skull kid and the one you give the skull mask to are one in the same. The theory is that this skull kid was originally from Termina and was banished to Hyrule. Where he met Link and found a

Countdown to Hyrule Warriors: Part 2

Now continuing with yesterday’s blog we are counting down to Hyrule Warrior with my top 5 favorite Legend of Zelda charters and todays is Number 4: Minda Minda appeared in Twilight Princess and is one of my favorite characters for two reasons. The first being she was such a mystery. Here was this little imp like creature who was more at home in the twilight than in light. The Second reason was she was constantly bad mouthing Link.  No matter what Link did she was out right mean about it. My favorite moment of this was when Link returned to Human form she outright tells you she prefers the wolf form. Now Minda’s Role was one we've seen before. Mina served the role of adviser Like Navi and the King of Red Lions before her. The major difference was she was condescending about the role like it was beneath her that and she was nowhere near as annoying as Navi.  Now as the game went one she would warm up to Link and be a little nicer. [Spoiler Warning] The Bigg

Countdown to Hyrule Warriors: Part 1

So this Friday a game I have been looking forward to all year. No Not Smash Bros it’s Hyrule Warrior.  So to count down the days until the its release with my top 5 favorite Legend of Zelda Characters. Ok before I get into number 5 I will say that 2 and 1 will be a Zelda and a Link, however I won't tell you which ones. So  On with My Top 5 Number 5 : Impa Impa 1 st appeared in the manual for Legend of Zelda (LOZ) Her 1 st in game appearance was in Ocarina of Time (OOT). This was the 1 st time she was a young adult woman. In all previous games she was an elderly Nursemaid or Handmaiden of Princess Zelda. The OOT version was more of a Body Guard it was also the 1 st time the Sheikah were introduced as well. In her next introduction in the Games she was back to being a caretaker and not a body guard how every her appearance was drastically changed in the Oracle Games   She would not again return in game until Skyward Sword (SS) where she would take both o

Lord Of Terror Has Been Reborn

Ok before I Start this one has some multimedia with it. It is advised that when you read this you listen to this song. Ok now on with the Blog So This morning I awoke to find an item in the mail that have been putting of grabbing, and that love Item is the NECA Deluxe figure Diablo. Not my picture. This picture was taken from the NECA website Now the Shadow of Diablo repaint Just released and I Figured (see what I did there) I should grab the original at least. I did and the whole time while I was waiting for it to arrive and darken my home I got to thinking where there any older Diablo figures and the answer will surprise you.  Now Before I Go into that I want to give a quick review of the Lord of Terror. Ok so this will be a picture less review mostly because I am writing this immediately after opening the package . If you would like to see some awesome pictures check out the review here . Ok now lets get this over with the figure is awesome the poseability is ama

Review: NECA Godzilla Classics 12 inch Head to Tail 1994 Godzilla

So it's been a long time For a figure review and when this beauty showed up from BigBadToyStore  and I fell in love. Now NECA makes great figures and there resent stent into Kaiju figures with Pacific Rim have been awesome. This Year with the new Godzilla movie they acquired the license to the Gojira/Godzilla  franchise. Now I bought the New movie Godzilla  when it came out but while a great had issues with poseability. Now every problem I had with the new one goes out the window with this one the Heisei era Godzilla figure. NECA did an awesome job making this figure look like the suit used in 90s Godzilla films. Like the 2014 Godzilla figure the one also is measured from head to tail making the full length 12 inch. The Figures normal height is about 6 inches from head to toe. The poseability on this figure is awesome to can get a wide variety of dynamic poses. The poseability isn't the only awesome thing on this it has awesome details as well.  The detail is

It's a me RPG

So as a child I fell in love with the long complex stories that where RPGs. It started with a SNES title at the time know as Final Fantasy II, in fact it was really IV I didn't learn that until years later though. This one epic game led me down a rabbit hole that included games like Chrono Trigger and Earthbound. Now as the N64 and PS1 where coming into there own with full 3D graphics there was one last RPG to come out on the SNES starring everyone's favorite plumber. This game was called Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. This was an awesome game that mixed the storytelling of SquareSoft (now Square Enix) and the magic of Nintendo. This game was amazing and I still love it to this day however it underperformed.  It came out the same year as its sister game Mario 64 and Nintendo was pushing the new console to sell.  The game though a critical success it failed commercially, and the long time partnership held by Square and Nintendo was at an end. Now even though ther