An upcoming Idea

So I recently got caught up with one of my favorite reviewer and internet personalities Linkara's (aka Lewis Lovhaug) show History of Power Rangers (HOPR). He started the show back April of 2010 and has been updating it as he get caught up on each show. He recently put out his take on Operation Overdrive and that got me thinking. Linkara has been a huge inspiration to me, this blog, and in some parts the podcast as well (there are a lot of people who inspired the podcast). Now the thought that I got was why haven't I done a Review/Retrospective of Power Rangers. The answer to that is well not all of my listeners/readers are Power Ranger fans to the extent I am. Now I recently changed my mind about this when a friend got me an early birthday present of Turbo a Power Ranger Movie  on DVD. Now you may be asking why did a friend have to get it for me. Well I do own a copy but it is VHS and sadly my VCR does not work any more, and with the confusion in the last few years of the ownership of the movies copies were scarce offline. So this Blog is to announce that I will be going over the last 20 seasons of  Power Ranges. Now this will be blog will be like HOPR with one exception I will take the time to compare to the respective Sentai  it takes footage from. Each blog will follow a very specific format. That format is:


 Here i will talk about the over arching story of the season and how each episode fits together as a story


 this section is broken down into three parts heroes, Villains, and other.


 This section covers the rangers and the allies


 This section will focus on the more predominant villains. 


 this one will cover every character that is neither hero nor villain 


 This section will be all about the Zords and how the theme of the Zords work

Vs Sentai:

Now because I am as much a sentai fan as I am a ranger fan this section will compare them to the best of my knowledge and research on the sentai. I've only see a handful of the Sentai series though I hold great hopes with the recent announcement that Shout Factory (the company that does the Power Ranger DVDs) is taking on some of the Sentai. 

now on top of that format above I will also embed either the opening credits for that season or the theme song at the top of the blog. Another thing I will not do with this series of blogs is I will avoid the re release version of season one with all the pop art and 60s Batman flair.
So starting today I begin my research of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 1


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