Dear Capcom

So I'm about to take a trip down memory lane on my twitch channel and re play Mega Man Legends. This got me thinking about my favorite Capcom games, and what could use a update like an HD collection or a sequel. Now Capcom has done HD remake and such with Devil May Cry and porting Okami to the PS3. So I thought about what other Game I would like to see HD collections/remakes. So without too much more delay let get on with the list.

Resident Evil Trilogy

Ok this one a bit of a give me and I’m surprised it hasn’t been done already. I use these games for two real reasons because they are to stepping stone that lunched both survival horror and Zombie shooter. These games have some much charm and that classic scare factor. Now if you are confused as to what game I’m talking about Resident Evil, 2, and 3: Nemesis. With the direction both Survival horror and Zombie shooters have gone this would be a good way to bring back the fans.


Originally a remake of the Ghosts 'n Goblins series it brought a different look and had a darker take on the fantasy setting. Our hero Maximo was brought back from the dead to save his true love and bring balance to the world of the living and dead with Death by your side. The Sequel took a more steam punk approach and was as much as a joy to play. I think with the Ghosts 'n Goblins not seeing a major console or digital release outside of iOS an HD port of this game could bring back interest in the franchise.

Viewtiful Joe

Now this one is like RE a given and I am surprised it hasn't already been done. I loved these games so much. They were stupid hard but some much fun when you pulled off those high scoring combos. This game hit home for me as it referenced Tokusatsu. These games were also a part of the Capcom 5 for GameCube making them a viewitful (see what I did there) part of both Capcom and Nintendo’s history. This franchise also needs a sequel and this HD collection would be the best way to judge fan demand for one.

Onimusha Trilogy

One of Capcom’s six biggest frashice the series let you play a demon slaying samurai in the Sengoku period of Japan’s history. Each game had a different protagonist however the stories tied themselves together somehow. The third game (my favorite) had you both in feudal japan and modern day France and had a main playable character voiced and modeled after actor Jean Reno which was awesome. Now I use trilogy though I know there are four games. I do this because these first 3 fit together as a whole story. I would love to see this in HD and with some control updates

Mega Man Legends Collection

This is a sore spot for a lot of fans myself included. For those of you who don’t know this story I fill you in. 10 years after the release of Mega Man Legends 2 for the PS1 Capcom began the Mega Man Legends 3 Project. A way of getting fan input and having some fan chosen characters and bosses. It was innovative way to approach development and on the eve of the release of a demo (seen here) on the 3DS eshop the whole project was killed. Now the fans have voiced their disapproval and they were loud. You can join this outcry on the 100K strong FB page. Now with that cat out of the bag I feel that an HD remake of both legends games would help both renew interest in the franchise and possibly bring in new gamers and give what the fans what they want to get Rock off that damn Moon.

Now with all that I've said I feel I need to take a second to address Capcom fans.  Capcom has done HD ports in the past either a digital game or a collection.  Now one collection caught my eye the Devil May Cry HD Collection. Now I love Devil May Cry one of my favorite game series ever. Looking into that collection I then remembered DMC, the Devil May Cry reboot, and how that game failed.  Not critically no DMC has a Metacritic score of 85 (That’s stupid good score) no it failed because of sales.  Now Capcom took some responsibility for this however I know what really hurt it.  It was the active boycott of the game because it was not classic Devil May Cry, and to that I say shame on you. I’m going to give this next bit of advice to you on a future game, movie, or TV show. If you don’t support it cannot grow and change. Take that to heart the next time your fingers are on a keyboard and you want boycott something because it not how you want it to be.

Ok rants over thanks for reading and I will catch next time


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