Press Start to Continue: General rules to Online Multiplayer

So I like to game a lot and when gaming went online it was like a gift from above.  However that was not the case online gaming quickly became a place of anger and hate.  This only got worse when consoles adopted online multiplayer.  Now everyone has headsets and vents their frustrations at ally or enemy.  I truly walked away from online games when after a game of halo 3 that my team won I received several messages from my team mate, who were complete strangers,  telling me I suck, I shouldn’t  play, and to go kill yourself.  Now I reported them for harassment and then found the reason why my kill to death (KtD) ratio was less than there’s. Needless to say unless my friends wanted to play from that day forward I stayed away from online multiplayer. Every now and then I may venture back but it’s never with a game that has a high “try hard” population.  Now what does story has to do with the title well because of this I and my new exploration into Heroes of the Storm, in which I have never ventured in to a game with players, I have made a list of rules to game by. These rules have no real order of importance so here they are:

  • It’s a Game so have fun
  • If you're yelling at your team mates for losing take a better look at how you play
  • No cowboys, lone wolfs, or any other I’ll be the guy who wins it for us types in team play that’s what FFA are for
  • GG is always welcomed
  • There is no I in Team (yeah that’s corny but true)
  • Work together
  • Leave your hate at the startup menu.
  • Trash talk has a time and place
  • Don't dish it if you can’t take it
  • Teabagging should be limited to 3 squats
  • There is a different between Co-op and competitive
  • It’s a Game have FUN

These are some rules I follow and I recommend that any one playing also follow.  I am also looking for a team for casual play of Heroes of the Storm so anyone interested let me know but the rules above apply. 


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