The Best of 2016.... NO Nope scratch that Most anticipated of 2017

So 2016 well has sucked. It has been a terrible year for just about everyone. Only two groups of people(of one I can proudly say I belong to) can say hey 2016 was a good year . Those two groups are white supremacists and Cubs fans (I belong to this one GO CUBBIES). For everyone else this has been a lousy year. So in lieu of doing a best of 2016 I'm going to talk about what has me hyped for 2017. If you are at all curious about what I enjoyed best of this shitty year it will be at the end and will be a one of each of the following, Video Game, Movie, and TV show.

So where do I even start with the hype that is 2017? January? No that going to have too much of 2016 on it. The only saving grace it will have is Nintendo Switch news. February? No that is the cool down month I feel we may see South Park the Fractured But Whole (I can't even type that without laughing) March? Yeah well at least for movies this is a good month to start I'll get to Gameing down the list. So for you Nerd Cinephiles out there March is a great month. It starts strong with Hugh Jackman's Last Wolverine movie Logan, Keep strong with another remake of a classic Kong: Skull Island. Then Disney throughs there weight around with the live action Beauty and the Beast starring Emma Watson. March then starting powering up at the end with rebooted Power Rangers. The month end with the both highly anticipated and controversial casted Ghost in the Shell.  That line up alone is enough to get hyped for next year but that is just March. Next year is filled with highly anticipated films like:
  • Spider-Man: Homecoming
  • Transformers: The Last Knight
  • Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2
  • Thor: Ragnarok
  • Alien: Covenant
  • Wonder Woman
  • Justice League
  • Star Wars: Episode VIII
  • Blade Runner 2049
Look at that list it is filled with so much to be hyped about or if you a cynical hipster you might say, "It's all garbage." 
To which I may reply, "Fuck You! there is a Blade Runner sequel" 

Games on the other hand while have an awesome line up and the potential to start that strong are more up in the air. January as I mentioned above will bring us news of hard release window and games announcement for the Nintendo Switch, and the release of Resident Evil 7. Along with that both South Park the Fractured But Whole (lol) and Mass Effect: Andromeda releasing some time in the 1st quarter barring any delays.  Games are really hard to get excited about mostly because the industry like to wait for holiday for it's big releases and news of new titles is limited to events like E3. That being said that doesn't mean there is not a lot to get hyped over. The list of games that look as though they are coming out this year is very exciting to say the list but you be the judge: 
  • Horizon Zero Dawn
  • Prey (probably going to talk about this one sometime soon)
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (I have theories I would like to share)
  • Injustice 2
  • Halo Wars 2
  • Yooka-Laylee
  • Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Shenmue III
  • Outlast 2
Nope no scenario where a berate a hipster this time mostly because when it come to getting hyped over video games I always advise caution. I've been bitten on the ass before the best example I have of this is Scalebound a game that I left off the list above because it was announced at E3 2014 as a Xbox One exclusive flagship title.  This has yet to happen with game being delayed from Q4 of this year to 2017 you can see why i'm not that hyped any more. We have seen very little from this game and heard only delays from the developer. "But South Park FBW got delayed and it still made the list", you might be asking right now and yes it has. The major difference is South Parks develop team has been upfront with the reasons for delaying whereas Scalebound's developers just announced a delay with no reason. I could go on but I won't needless to say 2017 is looking good for games but alway have a little cynicism set aside. 

If I had to give Best of 2016 awards to any thing I will to one movie and one game. Now let's start with movie my Best Movie of 2016:

That's right before this year turned shit we had what is arguably the best movie of this year but why? Well It did exactly what it need to do. It both adapted the character and story to a film without compromising the character to well Hollywood. the movie was enjoyable and just so much fun to watch and still is.

With that all said and done what game could be the best of 2016? This one is actually easier than picking the movie my Best Game of 2016:

Final Fantasy XV
Ok not going to lie this only just beat Pokemon Sun and Moon. This Game was well the only game other than pokemon that held my attention. It had an awesome story, characters, system, and atmosphere. All the characters were super relatable and the road trip of destiny was a amazing story to just experiences (Not sure why there are all these story explained videos on Youtube). I could not put this down for that reason alone it won my game of the year over pokemon.

2016 You sucked as a year nothing truly amazing happened...ok Cubs winning was really amazing but everything else was garbage or just meh. I'm hyped over next year but also very cations at the same time. What ever come next year it has high chance of being better than 2016.


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