For the Readers: Help me Obi Wan Kenobi your my only hope

To you my readers i would like to remind you that this blog can not survive with out you. So I am asking... no begging you please support the blog. I'm asking three things from all of my readers 
    1) tell your friends if you enjoy my blog please link it to all you facebook, mayspace, twitter, and Deviantart friends.
    B) Comment please comment on my stories in their comments I will always read them sometime I will reply and if I like them enough you may even find your way on to the staff of the blog
    3) this one is optional but with out it the blog will slowly die. donate in some way shape or form weather it be the wish list or the NEW Donation Button located at the bottom of the page

The big things I'm looking for in my writers I need someone to do Wii and PS3 reviewers and any handled I have a DS but there are very little I play on it  so I'm taking applications until the end of august i know there are very few of you but if you want to write then i need a example review. for the Wii I would like to see an example review of either Twilight Princess, the New Super Mario Bros., or Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and for PS3 Infamous(do not compare it to Prototype), Little Big Planet, or any of the Ratchet and Clank game. now their are things I'm looking for in the review you need to talk about graphics, game play, story, and any multiplayer options. now in my TF WFC review I rated every thing aspect this is not necessary. The score needs to be a 5 point scale and no .5s it is either a 1 for do not get 2 for not really a good game 3 this game is ok 4 this is a good game or 5 must have.  All application must me messaged to me through the blog and must have the subject of Application for reviewer and the Console name example Application for reviewer PS3. also you must be following my blog publicly before I will even consider your application

now the Job Description
if you are going to review a game review only the game not how this game is better on this console. No bashing of other consoles or developers in any of your posts. You will be responsible for one blog a week either a In the News, For the Readers, Just A Though, or a Check This Out   a game review a lest once a month. Since we are not considered a major news out let by the gaming industry (Yet!) please site every web site where you find you information in the blog with a link. i ask that all blogs at least try to have decent grammar meaning if I copy and paste the blog into word and see green line then I'll ask you to fix it. Also I ask for my writers to follow Associated Press Style when writing up blogs. Images are encouraged in blogs but if found on another web page site the page with a link . I'll think of more later but that's the job in a nut shell

also if you get the job I'll ask you to keep your news post to relate with you consoles later on when or if more writers are added I will let people branch out.

I look forward to reading any and all Applications and I will announce on 7/31/10 who has the job good luck to all of you


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