Just a Thought: Something Old Something New

I only last night realized it’s been over a week sense I last wrote a blog and to you my readers … sorry. I just finished my summer internship so I spent Friday and Saturday in a pizza induced comma Sunday I remember that StarCarft 2: Wings of Liberty came out soon at the time in stories now. So I found me a copy of StarCarft and Broodwars and played the campaign again and I was lost in this until last night. I then took a break caught up on my comic this week. So here what I think I love this game  but by episode 6 level 4 I’m little aggravated and trying not to just cheat a win (by the way if I reviewed 5s the both of them).  I’m looking forward to getting SC 2 expect the review next month and Halo: Reach in September (tentative schedule).

On the SC2 I’ve seen some of the trailers and WOW the cut scenes look amazing. So I feel the need to say this Blizzard get off you brilliantly creative asses and make a CG film either for WOW of SC either or both is fine by me.  On the note of gaming movies Uwe Boll stop making bad moves based off good games.

A reminder to my reader I’m look for bloggers see last week’s blog for details and remember you can support the blog below


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