In Brightest Day or Was it Blackest Night

So I come home from work (yes I'm working now so blogs are less frequent but not stopping like with school) and I sat down and watched my Friday cartoons on my DVR and among the new Young Justice and ThunderCats  is the 1 hour premier of Green Lantern: The Animated Series.

So I watched and a studied it as I looked on to this story that follows two of the more popular GLs Hal "High Ball" Jordan and GL Drill Sargent Kilowog. The story is pretty basic to start with a GL is killed and 18 months later (I'll get to that one in a bit) his ring shows up during a disciplinary action hearing for Hal. The Lantern killed is not a lantern of the 3000 know sectors if space but from what the show calls the frontier sectors so far away that it takes 18 months at top flight speed. So Hal and Wog "borrow" a prototype star cruiser and head out their to check in on these frontier lanterns and find out who is killing them. during this mission they meet the newly formed Red Lantern Corps and its leader  Atrocitus. So I'm stop their as to not to spoil it to much but I want to talk about the show more and i think I'll start with...

The new GL show is CG the 1st show in CG by DC cartoon legend  Bruce Timm. I can't complain to much do I wish this look like a more traditional cell style (I say style because most animation weather CG or 2D is Computer done now) yes however my favorite cartoon in the mid 90s was Beast Wars so I'm OK with it. The characters look very much how I imagine Bruce Timm's art would look in 3D. The over all design is also on par with the 2D green lantern works by Bruce Timm (First Flight and Emerald Knights) in fact Wog's costume is the same.

Design is a pro and get a passing grade.

This is a thin ice subject that I have issue with  being a GL fan that I am. Let me start with Hal. Hal was spot on he is a perfect adaptation of his younger comic counterpart. Now where I start to take issue is with Wog let put this into pros and cons.
  1. They took the time to mention his back story if only briefly
  2. His personality at least regarding the Corp was spot on
  1. When the ship they where on needed repaired Hal ask is some one could make a complex construct to replace the part  Wog responded with "I make Hammers." Wog was not only a powerful GL but one of the most intelligent ones as well
  2. he was two quick to run to the gaurdians after the encountered the Red Lanterns.
I'm right now of two worlds with Wog. My next issue  is with Atrocitus and sadly their are no pros. his personality is more of a religious zealot then his comic counter part witch is more vengeful profit and yes their is a difference. So with all this said I'm saying the Jury is still out because this was only episode 1

I call this plot and not story because the story is what happens which I already talked about the plot is more of how it happening. Now the story  has a darker tone witch a lot of cartoons are doing now around this time block. the show moved seamlessly I had my issues with some things but you have a good idea of what is happening and where the show is going. so plot gets a pass as well .

Overall it was good there where just a few little thing as a fan that as a fan bugged me i'm going to keep up with the show it now on my list of cartoons with Young Justice, Thundercats, Voltron Force, and Transformers Prime.


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