Stop S.O.P.A.

Today blog is not related to anything nerd. Today it is about a bill in congress that is called S.O.P.A. or Stop Online Piracy Act. Now I heard about this while watching an escapist review of The Muppets. so I look it up on the Google and here is what I found out The bill's goal is simple stop online piracy however to do that the U.S government would have the power to make search sites like Google and Yahoo! remove the site from its searches and make payment processors like PayPal stop business with any site it finds committing piracy. The Bill has good intention but to quote an old adage the path to hell was paved with good intentions. This bill violates two freedoms the freedom of speech and the freedom of information. The U.N. declared the internet a human right and I agree with them because this bill would restrict that right. So in short I ask you to contact you Congressmen and implore them to vote down this bill. if you don't know who your congressmen is then go to and in the upper right hand corner enter you zip code and find out. Please I beg you to let your voice be heard this bill needs stopped.


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