2011 year Review

So another year has come and gone and I feel that we need to talk about the highs and lows of 2011. The Year its self has had many interesting things for me in the way of nerd culture. And in this blog I will cover the best and worst Toys, Games, TV, Comics, and Movies. Each will have multiples of good and bad and I will go in depth about most of them.  I’ll start with toys

For toys this year has been rather basic we saw releases that where announced last year and things that we are not getting till next year.  But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any good new or bad news. The good news and I mean news is the announcement of several new things one my favorite 1st person shooter franchise Half-Life/an (yes they are the same game series) is getting not only a toy line from NECA but replicas as well. Another thing was the new classic line from Mattycollector.com is Voltron Defender of the Universe. Hasbro announced the return of the marvel Legends line. Both Toyfair and SDCC show off a lot of what’s to come over the next year. Now for the bad news the ever popular DC Classics line is over the last wave has already hit stores but there is a Flip side to this they are doing another 6 inch super poseable  line called All Stars. Another sad hit was the outright horrible sale of the green lantern movie figures. Both Mattel and DC took a hit this line is doing so badly some places can’t give them away wave one is at BigBadToyStore.com for like 14 bucks a little better than the retail price of a single figure. Another thing of bad news is that the price of figures is going up again taking affect January Mattycollector.com is raising their prices on everything however the silver lining is if you bought a Subscription (I know I did) you will not be affected. That’s all for toys in 2011

Gaming had an awesome year with the release of such smash hits as Arkham City, Skyrim, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, and Skyward Sword. But we also saw the release of  more of what I call Jock shooters (now don’t get me wrong I love shooters but I love things like Half-life, doom, quake, etc) MW3 and Battle field 3 more of the same thing. Another Con for video games was Duke Nukem Forever came out and was out right bad my local Walmart has it for less than 10 bucks.  And yet another con was the pushing back of games like Mass Effect 3 and Star Wars Kinect (I want this for the xbox bundle that coming with it). Gameing was all and all good this year and props to Skyrim for Game of the Year (also from keeping me from writing)

Now in TV this year we saw the End of Smallville, New seasons of Doctor who and Torchwood the return of two of my favorite 80’s cartoons with Voltron Force and ThunderCats. I have very little to complain about with TV as I watch so little of it so all in all a good year for TV.

Now with comics I would rant forever and truly make this blog unreadable but I wont here are my Pros and Cons for 2011 comics Pros Comic are no w available the same day in both Digital and Print formats (thank you DC and Dynamte need to get off their butts). Marvel getting back to charter based writing not world changing stories good job. Con the new 52 while the new stories are great but I was in love with what we already had now I'm ending it here because I can and will rant all day I'm ending it here.

This year we had several great movies. This was a great year for movies my only Con is twilight other than that I had no complaints my favorites are Green Lantern, Thor, X-men, Cap, Harry Potter, Cowboys and Aliens, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, the Muppets, and Sherlock Homes.

All and all it was a good year and I’m looking forward to 2012. Feel free to comment about you favorite things of 2011


  1. So i want it know that this whole blog was written on 12/29 i just got busy with work that i didn't hvae time to post it on the 31st so here it is enjoy


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