I Dig Giant Robots

Sorry for my absence and lateness again on my year review post. Now on the topic of why I took a line from Megas XLR theme for the title well there are two reasons 1 it is true and B I recently had on my mind one of my favorite Giant Robots on my mind and I’d like to share it with you.  

So I picked up recently Voltron Defender of the Universe for the Xbox live arcade and this game is a lot of fun. It is primarily a top down arcade shooter until you get to a boss fight then it becomes a series of quick time events. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy the game it wicked fun and surprisingly hard even on easy or as it called nanny. IF this game was released as a now arcade game I t would not be received as well However it is a good formula to start with. For a larger game I would give this game a few changes. Change 1 put all 5 lions in the level with the other 4 being NPCs, 2nd I would have levels with just the pilots, 3rd Give the big guy more room to roam not just these quick time fights, and last a deep story not just episodes from the show.

Now that I talked about Voltron game and still on the topic of Voltron I want to talk about the Voltron Classics line. Mostly I want rant at how the pushed the 1st figure back a month. Originally the Lance and Red Lion figures were suppose to be released on the 15 of January now it won’t be out till February. And I am super excited  for this line you have no idea.

Ok that’s enough Voltron now let’s talk about my giant robot shows/franchises. There are so many giant robot shows out there(most out of Japan) you’d think it be hard to chose but it not really. My favorite list goes as such Voltron, Transformers, G Gundam (that it I don’t really like the other gundam shows), Megas XLR(I miss this show), Sym-Bionic Titan(I miss this one too) , and Titan Maximum. In short I couldn’t tell you why I like giant robots but I do.


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