Mighty Morphin Merchandise

So as a follow up to my last post and the amount of time I've been playing with my new Legacy DragonZord I thought I'd talk about what I'd like to see from the toy line from this movie. Now for this I'm going to break it down real simple each toy type will have a description of what it is and at the end I'll put my wish list. That being said lets get started.


This one is real simple your 5 rangers, villains, and maybe minor characters (example Alpha 5). Now I will be a bit more direct don't go smaller than 5 inches. The current line is a good example. Now  there is another big don't here. DON'T just re release old figures with a metallic paint jobs. Please create figures that match the movie design.

Another type of figure that would work and could be at the same scale as the rangers would be a MegaZord figure much like the Retrofire line and be to scale with the villains and monsters.

Another don't is DON'T Over do Gimmick figures. 

My Last don't is DON"T forget the Girls. I mean in both figures and as a customers


On this one make a Deluxe MegaZord set that matches the design from the movie. DON'T re release the legacy because this Zord may be based on the old one (Like the original Movie did with the ninja zord).

Don't be Afraid of Playsets for both the Zords or the figures.

DO think about the future of the Movies i.e. don't make a megazord that will have to be retooled for a sequel to work with  a new zord.

The Wish List 

Ok so ontop of what we saw above I would love to see a a Collector line in the way of SHFiguarts. However unlike SHFiguarts Bandai of America needs to handle this not Bluefin (sorry Bluefin). With this line I would like to see all of the rangers and the major villains ie Goldar and what ever other Monster they face.
Now included with each ranger I'd like to see an unmasked head as well giving the actor and actress some love as a figure 

Now I am super excited for whatever this new movie may bring my big hope it that everything for this movie is Morphinominal (did I spell that right it's not something you can look up in a dictionary)


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