Staring Down the Barrel of a 45

I’ve been playing/ looking into some old game and franchise of my favorite FPSs Doom, Half-Life, Wolfenstein, etc. This got me to thinking when did competitive become more important than narrative. Now hear me out on this one my favorite FPSs have a strong narrative though many have great competitive multiplayer. However I was surprised when Wolfenstein A New Order did not have multiplayer, But then I thought about Titan Fall and it not having a single player outside of the training tutorial. And this got me thinking does a game with strong multiplayer need a single player or vice versa. I looked at the Call of Duty games every time one gets announced it is with a story trailer mind you some times that trailer and the final story have nothing to do with one another. Now Call of Duty games are famed by their multiplayer gameplay not the single player in fact there is only one of the modern Call of Duty Games that I would even say have a story worth playing (Black Ops if you were wondering). Now I can't judge the most recent Call of Duty games because they are not my favorite games and I could go on about how they are generic shooters with no real gameplay innovation, but I won’t your welcome. That being said I am going to explain why I don't like the Call of Duty games.  Once upon a time when FPSs where part of a PC only idea, and in the wake of the Duke Nukems , the Dooms, and the Quakes Came a modern realistic multiplayer game called Counter-Strike.  Now Counter-Strike had a fandom that well Pissed off gamers as a whole (See old CLT-ALT-DELET for reference). Now once upon a time I spoke about the game with one of these let’s call them zealots about their game and needless the say and I may be paraphrasing at this point but his whole reason for playing was he played because the enemies are human  and the other games were not real enough for him.  Now I avoided and realistic shooter from that point on I made the exception with the Wolfenstein games mostly because they took a supernatural path.   Now as I have grown older I’ve given the COD games a semi fair shot but I'm still not a big fan. Now I am going to check out the new one Advanced Warfare mostly because I am intrigued by the story it may tell I may not play any multiplayer but I will give it a passing shot. Needless to say I miss the days where FPSs told a intriguing story.


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