Out of the Box: Transformers Combiner Wars Superion

To day is the long awaited and promised review of the 1st of 2 combiners in the new Transformers Generations Line. Thats right today we are looking at the Aerialbots and the awesome robot they make up called Superion. so without any more delay lets get started.



Silverbolt is the leader of the team transformes into a jet that resembles Concorde jet and forms the main body of Superion

The Jet mode suffers like most trasnformer jets being that robot mode is under the jet. The transformation from jet to robot is also very simple and easy to do shame I can't really show that off 
The robot mode however has very little problems and only suffers from a little bit of back kibble. The figures itself is very poseable however because of the combine feature I doubt he would see much shelf time out side of combine mode .

Fireflight this time know as Firefly (because reasons) is the light hearted carefree member of the team who  oftens crashes .He can also form either a leg or arm of Superion
 Fireflight jet mode is a modified fighter jet that suffer like most jets do in this toy line (see above). The transformation for Fireflight and the other limbs are very similar and also very easy.
The robot mode is fairly standard and very poseable which is good compared to his old G1 counterpart. Again as nice as this figure is I doubt he would bee seen outside of combined mode.

Skydive is the book worm of the team is the most skilled flyer though he would never admit that. Like fireflight he can also form arm or leg of superion.
The jet mode is a jet fighter that like the others  the robot is under the jet. The transformation is easy like the others. 
The robot mode follow a similar pattern like Fireflight as well will be spending all his time combined.

Alpha Bravo is the news member of the team and is out to prove himself. He also can form one of the limbs of Superion

Hey this one not a jet he is the only helicopter and has very little robot part in this mode.

The robot mode shares the same transformation as the other limbs however his kibble is a bit more problematic as the blades have a lose connection. He will spend time  as a limb 

Air Raid is the reckless one of the group rushing head on to his enemies. He is the last of the limbs 
 Another fighter Jet  with robot parts as a underbelly. The transformation is just as easy  as the others.
I honestly want to just say see above because I don't how else to say it's like the others. 

When all 5 Aerialbots combine they form Superion the 1st autobot combiner and one of the few combiners who work to overcome the combiner flaw of many conflicting voices.
I love this combiner he is awesome in so many ways. Unlike the old G1 version he has both knee and elbow joints making him very poseable.
 This bot is awesome if any one is making Giant robots figures like a MegaZord or Voltron they  need to be more like this. 


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