Press Start to Continue: Vault 13

Vault 13 is the primary Vault in both Fallout and Fallout 2.


A control Vault and one of the last Vaults built on the west coast. Its construction was completed in 2069. The major differences of the Vault 13 compared to other Vaults were the use of the Pip-Boy 2000 and the extra G.E.C.K.  The Vault’s mission was to remain closed for 200 years as a study of prolong isolation. This would be the case until the water purification chip broke in 2161. This would lead to the selection of the Vault Dweller who would then go out and gather a new water chip. The dweller would then return with water and disturbing reports of super mutants. The dweller was then charged with stopping the army. After all that was said and done the dweller was then exiled from the vault. The vault would remain quiet until 2241 until the all clear signal came. Believing it to be genuine the occupants gathered to leave the vault only to be greeted by two squads of Enclave solders. The dwellers are then taken by the Enclave and replaced by intelligent deathclaws to cover up there presence.  The deathclaws are later removed from the vault by force but the very group that put them there. The original inhabitants of the Vault are rescued by the Chosen One, grandchild of the Vault Dweller, along with the citizens of Arroyo. The two people would come together with a G.E.C.K. and re build Arroyo. It is unknown what happened to the vault if it was claimed or just left empty. 

Next week we delve deep in a Vault that would start a new nation with Vault 15


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