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Vault 15 the vault that would found a New Republic


Vault 15 may on the outside look like one of the control Vaults. That however would be wrong. Vault 15 was populated with people of diverse ideologies just to see how they managed vault life. One of the tammer experiments The Vault remained closed until spring 2141 in which the people left and formed 4 different groups because of the different ideologies. Of the four groups three became raider tribes. Those tribes are the Jackals, the Vipers, and the Khans. The last group formed the village of Shady Sands, a community that would one day become the New California Republic. The Vault would then remain lifeless, abandoned, and striped of anything useful. It would not see another visitor until the Vault Dweller from Vault 13 came looking for a water chip.  It would not see long term occupation again until the New Khans set up a base there.

Next time we go back to the Mojave and look at what happens when segregate a whole bunch of people with manic paranoia in two groups with Vault 19


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