The New Stream Line Up

Ok so My goal is to stream and blog a whole lot more but as for streams my regular one will be 3 days a week on Monday Wednesday and Friday with the other days being toss ups. Regular LPs will return once I get stuff situated with my video editing again. Now on to the stream and explain what the regular ones are.

First is MMO Monday or MMOnday not big on the last one  in which I will play WoW and other MMO's Like EQ, EQ 2, FFXIV, and others to name a few. Now This stream is open to views to join me on depending on how often I play the game. WoW is guaranteed for this.

Next is OverWatch Wednesday. I love this game for what little I played my goal is to play as often as possible and like the MMO one this is also open for viewers to join me

Next is "Retro" RPG Friday this will be a long stream where i either go back and play a old RPG i love or i try one I've never done before. If the Story can entice me and the game play is not garbage then I will decently full play the games on the streams. This one will not be open to the public but I will try and have friends with me when I play. Recommendations for RPGs are always welcomed.

Now the weekend are up for grabs but Sundays will either have a long play like me getting back in to Fallout 4 and full play through of Telltale games etc.

As for this week 5/23 - 5/29 Wednesday Overwatch DUH, and Final Fantasy 3 Friday

Leave any requests in the comments below


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