The RPG stream Ideas

OK so in the last Vlog I mentioned playing some retro RPG streams well from SNES, and PS1 era however I can find none on stream and I still need a capture card for the current consoles and the only thing that's not RPG maker games on steam are old school final fantasy and I will do those but not all of them so I'm making a short list some of RPGs I want to play  not all of them  will be full play through.  So with out further ado here is the list:

Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy V (lol Buts)
KOTOR some time around Rouge One
Phantasy Star 2
Tales of Symphonia
Cthulhu Saves the World
Torch Light 2
Jade Empire
FNAF World

also my stream days will be like this
MMO Monday

OverWatch Wednesday

and "Reto" RPG Friday


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