At What Point Do You Stop Being a Fan and Start Being a Hater?

So Lately I’ve been very much conducting my very own Power Rangers Train (LOL you’ll get this in 2016). Now I get it I’m kind of getting annoying but anyone who knows me when I get excited I go a little over board. Well the Power Ranger crazy had support in the form of a website dedicated to tokusatsu (a Japanese style of film and TV usually associated super heroes and kiaju). Well after finishing up recording and editing this week episode of our podcast (episode 40) I usually take time and listen to some of my favorites podcasts. Well while listing to the podcast for the above mentioned tokusatsu site they talked about Power Rangers this week. Now while listing I excited for a positive adult prospective to the new show PRSMF (that show title is a mouth full). I didn’t get that this week Instead I got a lot of Jaded sentai fans. Now this episode was longer than normal because they took a break but right about the 1 hour mark I stopped listening with 40 minutes remaining. When the topic turned to the Blufin Distribution and there lack of anything else Sentai/Power Rangers related. Now I agree with a lot that was said until it turned to the upcoming S.H. Figuarts Mighty Morphin Yellow Ranger and how this figure will not be like its Japanese counterpart toy. Now I think some explanation is in order in the Sentai series Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger, that most of the footage for Power Rangers season one came from, the yellow ranger was a dude, however the toy we are getting in the US uses a female form. 

I agree with this I think if the Power Ranger character was a woman the figure should be too. The argument made was that this was unfair to both sentai fan as they would have to import the male version and unfair to Ranger fan as the footage was of a dude.  Now my response to this is a simple one if gender is that much of a problem for people then maybe all power ranger figures should look like the original action figures. 

In Light of this podcast I’m taking a break from there site I may check it out for news still but I’m going to be less active on the boards connected to the site

On a different note entirely I may have a solution to the Bluefin problem of no new S.H. Figuarts. This Idea goes out to Bandai of America and I suggest that you take the Figuarts away from Bluefin in regards to Power Rangers only and you sell them as either part of the legacy line or as a new collector line. Another solution I could recommend is that if you are a fan of power rangers you check this line out and pick them up yeah there a little pricey but I bet like me you bought the Legacy Morphers and they beat that in price range.


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