Review: S.H. Figuarts Kyoryu Red/ Dino Charge Red

So on top of supplementing my podcast I'm going to do figure reviews. so here is the 1st one in a long time

Here he is Kyoryu Red soon to be known as Dino Charge Red. The figure is awesome it has all the detail that the suit has in the show even the scaled textured arms. He looks just like his real life counterpart

Now on to accessories  he come with (I’m using the Sentai name as they are no Power Ranger names yet) 1 x Gaburivolver, 1 x Zyuden Sword Gabricalibur, 1 x Zyudenchi (it is so damn Small that it will never leave the blister), 1 x Gabutyra Fang, 1 x Armed On Arm, and 3 x sets of extra hands. All of these accessories like the figure are beautifully sculpted there is however one problem I have and I will address that when I get to that part of the review.

The poseability on the figure is really superb. There is one hindrance with the shoulders but it’s only a minor hindrance Not that much of a problem  

Here is my major fear with this figure. The Armed On Arm is well a pain to get on and off I stay worried that I may one day destroy the figure by switching them out. Now once it's on it looks amazing they only other flaw is that is armor limits how you can pose the arm.

Armed On problems aside you can still get some great poses out of him.  All and all an awesome figure that I would recommend getting if you want a jump start on the new show or if you are a Sentai fan like me. Warning though if you are a completionist the other 5 ranger of the core team are only being offered as web exclusives in Japan and don’t hold your breath for the other 5 non core ever being made. Though there is a small silver lining in the form of Bluefin a toy company that does US releases for the S.H. Figuarts line and other lines by Bandai Tamshii Nations. They brought over all 8 of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers toys even though most of them are web exclusives in Japan and We also get a US exclusive female Yellow ranger as well (the character was a guy in the sentai).


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