The More They Change

So It’s been a while a year almost. My last post was on Hasbro’s NY Toy Fair news from last year. Normally I would apologies for this however this time it was intentional. I took a break for a while and then after see one Kevin Smith live and how he talk about how anyone could do a podcast. So the blog became a podcast with the same name. However after doing the podcast for almost a year now I realized that sometimes I have more to say on the subjects that we discuss and then I found my way back here. The blog is going to live on as a supplement to the podcast if there are subject I feel strong about I may make a post here it will not be as frequent as it once was.  With that Said now on to what I wanted to talk about.

This week on the Podcast we talk about the New Power Rangers show that was just announced and I brought up the toy line that was a huge success in Japan. While Bandai makes both the Power Rangers and the Super Sentai toys over that last few years they have become very different.  While the Sentai toys have done what best known as the DX Mechs, the Power Rangers have started using what they call the Zord builder system. The major difference is the Zord Builder are smaller, lack sound effects, and are trying to be universal I.E. you can combine different MegaZords. However while I was thinking about the gimmick for Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger was these batteries called Zyudenchi. Now it is a safe assumption to make that the Zyudenchi are going to be what is call Paragon Prisms in Power Rangers Dino Charge. Now when the Zord combine in the Sentai they connect using the Zyudenchi. I see a huge problem here with the Zord Builder system used for the Power Ranger toys. The only solution I could see is if the Paragon Prisms themselves used the input or output for the Zord Builder, and then I could not see them being used for with older Zords at all. 

Another thing that worries me is that they may change the Morpher. In the Sentai it is a blaster as I have said it is called the Gaburivolver. Now Power Rnagers has a estrange history with blasters and guns mostly with Kids finding dad’s gun and shooting there friend because they were playing Power Rangers. Because of that any time a weapon has been used as a morpher they changed it the best example is Jungle Fury. The Sentai counterpart Juken Sentai Gekiranger used what could best be described as an MMA glove whereas jungle Fury used sunglasses. As I make this argument I know of two rangers who have used their weapons as morphers. The 1st is the Gold Zeo Rnager he used his staff has his morpher though his Sentai counterpart did not. The 2nd Ranger I can think of to use his weapon as a Morpher is the Jungle Fury White Ranger.  So I wait until it is the toy line is announced and then we know for sure.

Well that’s all for now I’ve got something else I’m working on for the blog as well I will catch you later.  


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