Press Start to Continue: Vault 92

The Arts are important and need to be preserved and Vault-Tech agrees. At least that what the brochure for Vault 92 would have you believe.


Vault 92 was populated with many of the world great musicians with the intent to preserve the arts. That was not the true case in fact. On one hand Professor Malleus was testing subliminal suggestion to bring out more creative musical talent. On the other hand the Overseer without telling the research team placed white noise generators subliminal message to create more versatile solders. One of the first subjects went mad and tore apart three people before the security team brought him down. Slowly the white noise generators drove half the inhabitants crazy and violent. The crazed attacked those unaffected by the white noise. The vault is littered with mines to protect the normal from the crazed.  It unknown how many survived to escape the Vault. Those looking to scavenge the vault need to be warned that though there are no human inhabitants and now mirelurks wander the halls due to a structural failure that flooded the lower levels.

Some Vaults were meant to keep the dwellers safe, some Vaults were home to experiments to better man that go horribly wrong, and other where just twisted jokes. Vault 101 may be all of the above


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