Profile: Hero of Lorule
As time went on and the fans clamored for more of their favorite game A Link to the Past. Nintendo heard the cries of fans and began work on a new 3DS title in the Legend of Zelda. This game was a direct sequel to A Link to the Past and was called A Link Between Worlds. The game was an amazing new Game the quickly made most people's top 5 games. Now with this game come a another new Link so let's take a look at this new hero.

Name: Link
Age: 14
Motivation: Moderate to Low (i'll explain)
This Link is a blacksmith apprentice who starts this game having a nightmare about himself fighting Ganon. His awakened by his friend and it told he is late for work. After arriving at work he is sent to find a knight who left his sword and deliver it back to him. He arrives at the sanctuary and is then pulled into the plot of the game as he watches the knight be turned into a picture on the wall and another person turned into a portrait. He then sets off to the castle where he is tasked with retrieving the master sword by Zelda. Along the way he himself is turned into a Picture but is saved by a bracelet given to him my his new friend/house squatter Ravio. With the ability to turn back and forward from a painting to a person he set off to stop Yuga from reviving the dark lord Ganon. This is the classic wrong place right time. While a destiny is implied it never made a the large reason for motivating the hero. This Game is has this Link's strongest motivation as not only is he thrust into to this by accident but his friends are also kidnaped as they have they power of the sages and he must save them. This link would return again in another attempt at multiplayer with Tri-Force Heroes. Link while traveling away from Hyrule wishing to avoid the spot light as a hero finds himself Hytopia the land of high fashion. After seeing a notice from the King Link is identified as the hero of legend and dress as such and sent to see the king. Link is then Split into 3 people with the power of the Tri-Force and sent after Lady Maud to reverse Princess Styla from her curse. I can't stand this game they take one of my favorite Link and puts him awful story with no substance to the game play. This is more wrong place wrong time but it's also destiny which is one of the worse motivations ever Link has no reason to even save this princess. This why it goes to moderate to low because his motivation in A Link Between Worlds is wrong place right time mixed with the desire to save his friends as well of his world. Tri-Force Heroes is hey you look like that guy mentioned in the sign lets make you look the part.
Ok that is All of the Link over the last 30 years maybe after I beat Breath of the Wild I'll do that Link. However there is one more profile coming because I love this character and he is related to Link so I'll see you Friday.

Name: Link
Age: 14
Motivation: Moderate to Low (i'll explain)

Ok that is All of the Link over the last 30 years maybe after I beat Breath of the Wild I'll do that Link. However there is one more profile coming because I love this character and he is related to Link so I'll see you Friday.
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