Profile: The Heroes of Four Sword
Sometime you move forward and other time you move backwards. Our next Links (yeah you're reading that right Links with a S) was well a step sideways. With the rerelease of a Link to the Past on the GameBoy Advance came a surprise to show off the new four player link cable. So include was a side game staring Link and had four player co-op. This game was Four Swords and had well four Links.
Names: Link yeah they are all named link
Age: Unknown assumed 14 to 15
Motivation: Moderate
This was a hard group to even address their motivation. With the old games you had story in the manuals with this one all you had was the intro. So Links motivation in this game is well simple. After accompanying Zelda to the shrine in which the evil wind mage Vaati is sealed. She did so sensing the seal weaking. With that Vaati escapes and kidnaps Zelda to be his bride. Encouraged by three great fairies Link pulled the legendary Four Sword. The one now four set off to stop Vaati and Save Zelda. This is your standard responsibility motivation. These Links are hard to nail down because there is little to no story outside the opening and ending. Well with all that said and Done We move to the most drastic change in the Zelda games with the Hero of Winds.
This is not the only time we see the four sword it would appear in what i call a better version and This in Four Sword Adventure. That not all on top of the sequel this game got a prequel in Minish Cap make a interesting trilogy that only gets screwed with after the creation of the timeline.

Age: Unknown assumed 14 to 15
Motivation: Moderate
This was a hard group to even address their motivation. With the old games you had story in the manuals with this one all you had was the intro. So Links motivation in this game is well simple. After accompanying Zelda to the shrine in which the evil wind mage Vaati is sealed. She did so sensing the seal weaking. With that Vaati escapes and kidnaps Zelda to be his bride. Encouraged by three great fairies Link pulled the legendary Four Sword. The one now four set off to stop Vaati and Save Zelda. This is your standard responsibility motivation. These Links are hard to nail down because there is little to no story outside the opening and ending. Well with all that said and Done We move to the most drastic change in the Zelda games with the Hero of Winds.
This is not the only time we see the four sword it would appear in what i call a better version and This in Four Sword Adventure. That not all on top of the sequel this game got a prequel in Minish Cap make a interesting trilogy that only gets screwed with after the creation of the timeline.
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