Review : Transformers: War for Cybertron

Ok so this will be my 1st of many reviews for this blog. And this time I’m looking at Transformers: War for Cybertron (WFC). But before I get in to the game let me tell you about my rating system. I will do a five point scale with five being the highest and one being lowest. I will rate a game on different thing like: Story, Game play, Graphics, etc. So let get started with my review of Transformers WFC.
The Game in divided in to two parts Decepticons and Autobots. You can start the game with either one but it is recommended that you start with Decepticons. The Decepticons story is the search for dark energon. Take charge of characters like Megatron, Starscream, and Soundwave as they tear through Autobot army to reach their goal. The Story is a little lake luster but it does show just how fully evil Megatron is. The Autobots story you take follows Optimus Prime as he rallies Autobots to save Cybertron form the Decepticons. This story is more fulfilling than the Decepticons story you play as many different Autobot heroes like Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Rachet, Iron Hide, and many more. The Story answers many question about what happen to the Autobots before the show but raises many more. The story does a amzing job of bringing different aspects of Transformer history from different continuities like the Dynasty of the Primes, and Starscream being a Scientist before joining the war. The story is very much what fans wanted from a transformers game. So the Story get a 4 Out of 5
Game Play:
The game play is your basic Third Person Shooter which plays smoothly with each feature of the game. The melee attacks are very nice to use with you are in a pinch or close up to shotgun, semi auto, full auto, sniper, and Heavy. The charters are divided in one of 3 classes Scout, Solider and Scientist. The scout is designed to be fast, the Solider is you heavy hitter, and the scientist is mostly the healer. There are two leader charters be Prim and Megatron. In the single player each character has their own abilities. The Vehicle modes are what add to the game play. The speed added with the cars is just what you expect from a transformer game. The Jets and Tank characters have more weapons than the cars and different abilities. The cars gets a jump, Tanks get a 180 degree turn, and jets get a barrel roll. Now the jet levels are what are different than the others. The jet combat is massive amount of fast pace dog fights and high speed movement are grate changes to the standard drive and shoot game play. All and All the game play is great just what it should be for a Transformer Game. 5 out of 5
The Multiplayer is what you expect form a shooter game. You level the four classes and play many of the same familiar match types. They also have a game play mode called Escalation which is pick a character and survive waves of enemies. Your standard Multiplayer so a 4 out of 5.
The games graphics are beautiful. The detail in each charter and cut scenes are wonderful they are up to par for what is expected with this generation of games. 5 out of 5
Music/ Voice acting
The music in the game is wonder full the score fits every moment of the game. The Voice acting is amazing Peter Cullen’s Prime never gets old. Johnny Yong Bosch (he also was Adam in the Power Rangers or for you younger readers Ichigo Kurosaki in the Bleach Dub in the roll of Bumblebee but he plays the charter well. The Voice acting is awesome and the surprise Transformers theme during the credit made to look like the old show open get a 5 out 5
Ester Eggs
This is just fun stuff that was done in the games like the credits. There are many moment in the game where they pay homage to the original series. One moment of Soundwave making energon with his chest, and when the Autobots are going through the Decepticons Prison there is a see where we hear the phrase “Spare me this mockery of justice” and he is dropped in to a pit, and when fighting Soundwave he releases Rumble and before shakeing the ground he says “Frist you Crack the Shell the you crack the nut inside,” its little thing like that that make this a great Transformer game.
Over all
This is an awesome Transformer game with a solid game play, good story, and awesome voice acting. 4 out of 5
If you would like to see more review you can check out the Wish List all donations will be thank in the next blog and all the games on the list will be reviewed no matter how old they are.


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