E3 Wrap Up

Ok so here are a taste of the games that caught my attention and the studios they’re being released by. I will pick a few gems that I like by each studio and talk about them more in depth and how I feel about them.

• DJ Hero 3D (3DS)
• Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock (PS3, Wii, X360)
Bethesda Softworks:
• Brink (PC, PS3, X360)
• Fallout: New Vegas (PC, PS3, X360)
• Hunted: The Demon's Forge (PC, PS3, X360)
• Rage (PC, PS3, X360)
• Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 (PS3, X360)
• Dead Rising 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
• Dead Rising: Case Zero (X360)
• Marvel Vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds (PS3, X360)
• Okamiden (DS)
Disney Interactive Studios:
• Epic Mickey (Wii)
• Pirates of the Caribbean: Armada of the Damned (PC, PS3, X360)
• Tron Evolution (PC, PS3, X360)
Electronic Arts:
• Bulletstorm (PC, PS3, X360)
• Crysis 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
• Dead Space 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
• Medal of Honor (PC, PS3, X360)
• Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit (PC, PS3, Wii, X360)
• Adrenalin Misfits (X360)
• Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (PS3, X360)
• Def Jam Rapstar (PS3, Wii, X360)
• Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)
• N3: Ninety-Nine Nights II (X360)
• LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
• Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge -- Special Edition (PC, PS3, X360)
• Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
• Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC)
• Fable III (PC, X360)
• Gears of War 3 (X360)
• Halo: Reach (X360)
Namco Bandai:
• Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
• Donkey Kong Country Returns (Wii)
• Kid Icarus: Uprising (3DS)
• Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)
• Mario Sports Mix (Wii)
• Metroid: Other M (Wii)
• Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)
• The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii)
• Conduit 2 (Wii)
• Phantasy Star Portable 2 (PSP)
• Sonic Free Riders (X360)
• Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (PS3, Wii, X360)
Sony Computer Entertainment:
• God of War: Ghost of Sparta (PSP)
• Heroes on the Move (PS3)
• Infamous 2 (PS3)
• Killzone 3 (PS3)
• LittleBigPlanet 2 (PS3)
• SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (PS3)
• Sorcery (PS3)
Square Enix:
• Deus Ex: Human Revolution (PC, PS3, X360)
• Final Fantasy XIV Online (PC, PS3)
• Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light (DS)
• Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PC, PS3, X360)
• Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (PSP)
• Kingdom Hearts: Re:coded (DS)
• Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (PC, PS3, X360)
• Child of Eden (PS3, X360)
• Driver: San Francisco (PC, PS3, Wii, X360)
• Rayman Origins (PC, PS3, Wii, X360)
• Shaun White Skateboarding (PC, PS3, X360)
• Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (PC, PS3, X360)
• Your Shape: Fitness Evolved (X360)
• Portal 2 (PC, PS3, X360)
Warner Bros. Interactive:
• F.E.A.R. 3 (PC, PS3, X360)
• LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360)
• Mortal Kombat (PS3, X360)
• Super Scribblenauts (DS)
• The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn's Quest (DS, PS3, PSP, Wii)
• The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PC, PS3, X360)
I don’t have much to say other than I’m not surprised with the games they or DJ hero and the 3DS.
Bethesda Softworks:
This is a studio I have lot of love for. And with their partner ship with Id for Rage I see so many good games coming from them. I was surprised that there was no new Elder Scroll game.
All I have to say here is Dante Vs. Deadpool my mind is blown it about time to see a new Marvel vs Capcom I am one work Stoked and I’m not big on fighters but I love this one.
Disney Interactive Studios:
Who would of thought of the show that Disney Brought this year? Epic Mickey was well epic and Tron I am so glad Disney is showing this property love again.
Electronic Arts:
EA made a good show lots of good games, love for the FPS’s, and they are doing 3D (with glasses)
Is giving us a New MGS but they also announced a new Silent Hill and a new fresh look at Castlevania from the people who do MGS. It looks like they are going back to the old days.
Star Wars need I say more and they are make it bigger and better, but another re-mastered Monkey Island.
Kinect may very well change the way the game is played but I’m loving the stuff where I still grip my controller and feel it shake in my hand we I blow the head off and Alien scum bag or slicing the head off a bandit.
Namco Bandai:
I only added this because of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West and it’s take on Journey to the West and it’s from the people who did Heavenly Sword.
Thank you for the love of your in house games now if you can keep these about two months apart so have time to beat them all.
Try to fight their way back with new games but the thing that got my attention was Sonic Riders and it being a Kinect game I can’t wait to see how this plays.
Sony Computer Entertainment:
A new God of War, Little Big Planet 2, and two game for the move that aren’t rip offs of the Wii library with Heroes on the Move (lol puns) and Sorcery. Don’t like the glowing orb on the top jus saying.
Square Enix:
Ah square how you vex me and yet still excite me. Deus Ex: Human Revolution look really good and has an awesome cyber punk feel, and Kingdom Hearts.
I don’t know what made more excited Assassin’s Creed or Child of Eden aka Rez 2. I must just say one thing kill the laser tag game please.
Warner Bros. Interactive:
Ah with games like F.E.AR. 3, Mortal Kombat, and two new LOTRs games I must ask where was Arkham Asylum 2? Why no Dark Batman? Why Brave and Bold?
Now I want to talk about my Favorites, My Suprises, and My let downs. My favs were defently Fable 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Portal, and Rage. The games that surprised me were Epic Mickey, and Tron Evolution wow I didn’t expect them to be look good and fun to play. My let downs this year were Square while they had the two new Kingdom Hearts handheld games no KH3 maybe next year, Valve while portal 2 look awesome where was everyone favorite MIT graduate and his game, and last but not least was Warner Bros. Interactive and the lack of Batman Arkham Asylum 2 this game was announced with a awesome trailer that dropped hint s of Black Mask, Penguin, and Two Face on the same show that Tron Evolution was announced. Well those are my final thoughts of E3 this year let me know what you thought about it in the comments.


  1. I don't understand your hatred for the laser tag game. I feel that it could be a nice addition to party games. I agree with the lack of Batman : Arkham Asylum 2. I felt that the first one was well done and i wished to have seen more for 2 including a release date. I'm really looking forward to this next year as a 360 owner and a Wii owner. there will be a lot of games to keep me occupied. I will most likely attempt to purchase the kinect, the new version of the 360, and a 3DS. If the cards fall right, I might look into getting a PS3 for some of the exclusive content they have for multiplatform games.

  2. agreed as soon as i back up my 360 yeah i'm getting one of the new one's too


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