Natel's gota beand new Name

So i guess the big thing i need to announce is the blog has a new name it is now the Nerd Word. Speaking of new name (that ladies and gentleman is a segue) Project Natel has been given a name and it will be known as (drum roll please) Kinect. I'm not a huge fan of this i would of love something simple like Microsoft Play but no one asked me. I got my news from this link

As for the meaning to the word Kinect it sounds like a play of Kinetic (kinetic |kəˈnetik adjective of, relating to, or resulting from motion.) and connect. I guess this is suppose to be clever I don't know at lest it better than Sony's Move (I really liked Arc as a name for that but again I'm not the person they go to for this stuff ). I figured I'd Share my thoughts on this I'll do more as I learn more form E3


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