E3 day 1

Ok today the floor doors opened but before that Nintendo and Sony got up on the stage and told us what to expect in the next year. Nintendo came on strong with a new Zelda game, Epic Mickey, and Goldeneye 007. Sony began showing off new games, the Move, and exclusive content for their multi-platforms games.

Like yesterday I'll keep this to Pros and Cons

- New games from Zelda, Kirby, Metroid, and Kid Icarus
- Goldeneye 007 updated for the Wii
- the specs of the 3DS

- a new Twisted Metal
- The Move being used in more hardcore titles
- Exclusive content for games like Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
- Valve puts Steam on the PS3 so you can download the games

- Problems with the Zelda Demo on stage
- to much info about the 3DS no showing us how it work in 3D

- The Press Conference was too Commercial (though I laughed at the rant the guy from the TV ads did)
- Marcus the PSP kid
- Big Glowing ball at the end of the move is still their

Well Nintendo has done this year what their fans have wanted for the past few E3s and they focused on their original games, we see a new Wii Motion Plus Zelda game, a new Donkey King, A new Kirby, and a New Kid Icarus game. The update of the original Goldeneye. My only big problem is the 3DS while I love that Nintendo is doing 3D with no glasses i have to take the the word of people that are on the show floor that this is 3D. Sony now came up and said here are you 3D glasses before their press conference which is OK but unlike the sixaxis when the PS3 was launched they are not making this a core part of the games. This can also be said for the Move, however they are making games that use the move as it primary controller but other games like tiger woods golf it is not need but it adds to game play. All and all these were both good shows and out of the Big 3 Nintendo came off looking the best, Sony looked like the school yard bully, and Microsoft well forgot the others where out their. Sony how ever has hit the others with two big shots to the gut. Vavle went on record as saying they would never give consoles the love the have for PC with the live update and such well the PS3 will have steam and will be downloading the games to save the disk (a path that Microsoft has been trying to do but with little success). The Second shot was that multi-platform games like Assassin's Creed Brother Hood will have exclusive missions to the PS3. This leaves the choose on what console I want next up in the air (I already own a 360).

This covers the Press Conferences of the week now I'm going to sit down and look over what else is out their I'm going to look at Disney Interactive, Sega, Square, Bioware, Lucas Arts, and many others that should be up and running on Saturday.


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