E3 a Comin

With E3 just around the corner I've been keeping my ear to the ground on what the latest video game trends are. The biggest thing coming out now is 3D. Don't get me wrong I like going to the Movies and see them in 3D when I can but what Sony may be proposing by adding 3D too their games may cost the average person another $12,000 TV just to play these games. But their are so many other directions you could take gaming in. Sony is one of the 1st to companies to work on a 3D TV which is ok as an added function. Then Sony announces that several new game like Kill Zone 3 or Kill Zone 3D. Also Nintendo announces the 3DS witch will have 3D but it wont be the core of game play on the hand held. Now their are rumors that Microsoft is going to announce 3D, and I honestly hope not.

I'm a big fan on immerse game play when the Wiimote came out I said that will change gaming and I was right. Because Sony matched it with the Move and Microsoft took it to the next level with Natal (still waiting on the Name for this thing). I Believe that gaming needs to be about the experience. Game that offer different experience for different players. I believe the true future of gaming, pending the world doesn't end December 21, 2012, is a gaming system that makes you apart of the game with AI that can read and react on level only Science Fiction can show us.

I'm excited for E3 and will follow the coverage on G4 I'm looking forward to all the press conferences and new games. I will do a post E3 blog next week


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