Pokemon Z?

So for as long as I can remember Pokemon released a 3rd title and with that came an expanded way to tell the Story of that Gen. Well It did until Black and White and all that changed. SO With Gen VII on the horizon what happened to the 3rd game and what would of been the story of Pokemon Z
So from Gen I to IV every pair of pokemon came with a third that expanded the story of the original pair. In Gen I  we had Yellow which mixed the games with the show allowing Pikachu to follow you and Jessie and James where team Rocket members. In Gen II we got Crystal which allowed players to choose a girl as well as more info Suicune and Legendary Beasts. Gen III with Emerald and Gen IV with Platinum added more info to the original Legendary Pair and making them a trio. This trend stopped with Gen V with instead of third we got a sequel pair. Those sequel did continue the story in Black and White it also continued to expand of the Legendary Pokemon.  Now with Gen VI and X&Y people began to wonder will there be a Z. Now in X&Y in the post game  you can find a serpent pokemon call Zygarde, and most people Assumed that this would be the Z pokemon. 
Now a year had passed and ORAS had release and no news about Z at all. Speculation continued until October the year after ORAS We get some news that the Zygarde we all caught  was only it's 50% form. That right we got news about the Z Pokemon and he has multiple forms and they are:

Zygarde Cells and Cores
Zygarde 10% form
And the GrandDaddy of them all Zygarde 100% Form
Now a few months would pass and no announcement for Pokemon Z. Instead we got a announcement of a whole new generation with Pokemon Sun and Moon. Now one can only speculate why this happened, but Z's Story didn't completely die. No the concept mentioned above became the core plot for the last season of Pokemon anime in that Gen dubbed Pokemon XYZ. That didn't end there Zygarde in all his glory will appear in Sun and Moon and be able to change into the different forms. 

Now with a new Gen like I said on the horizon one can only hope the the 3rd game returns. If for nothing other than these two reasons one 20 years later and people still love pokemon and two Eclipse (screw you Twilight I'm taking it back) is just too cool of a name to pass up. Who knows what the future hold for Nintendo and Pokemon but I can't wait to dive right in. 


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