What is the Mech Genre?

So in My life some of my favorite types of games, anime, and hero shows have a common theme and that theme is Mechs. Like the theme of Megas XLR says "I Dig Giant Robots", However the genre is not just limited to giant robots. The mech genre has so much cross over with fantasy, SciFi, and Tokusatsu that giving it a definition is well very difficult. That doesn't mean I'm not about to try.

Before we get in to what is the mech genre let look at it's history. Mechs have a surprising history with early incarnations coming from literature. some of the earliest mech examples come from authors Jules Verne's Steam House which contained a giant steam powered elephant and H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds with it's martian fighting-machines(name used in the book)/tripods.
Now while these novels set the groundwork for the modern mech genre didn't occur until 1959 and Mitsuteru Yokoyama's Tetujin 28-go or better know in the US as Gigantor.
Tetujin was the first time a humanoid mech appeared and it would not be the last. In 1972 the mech Japan again would continue to evolve the mech genre with the first humanoid mech to be piloted in Mazinger Z. This would go on to effect how the genre would continue to evolve change

The Types of Mechs
Now as Mechs became more popular in almost every medium of entertainment we need to define what kinda mechs there are.

Military Mechs
These are essentially tanks with legs and they come in many different  verities and more often than not have more than one pilots. the best examples are this are Metal Gears from the Metal Gear series and Walkers from Star Wars.

Humanoid Mechs 
These mechs have many functions like military use or monster fighting but are identified by there bipedal stature and similarity to the human body. Best examples of these types are Gundams from the Mobile Suit Gundam series and Jagers from Pacific Rim
Animal Mechs
A mech that look like a known animal. This type is not as common as other types, but are just as enjoyable. Most animal based mech are limited by their type of animal they are based on. The Best example of this type is Zoids.

Transforming Mechs 
These mechs are defined not by one appearance but there ability to change from one form to another. Most transforming mechs have a humanoid form and another form similar to a vehicle. For example look to the Variable/Varitech  fighters from Macross/Robotech, or if you want a more modern example then look no farther than Skell/Dolls from Xenoblade Chronicles X.

Sentient Mechs
These Mechs can share any characteristics as the ones above with the major difference being the are alive. These mechs genuinely have no pilot and possess a will of their own. The best example of this type is the Transformers franchises.

 Combining Mechs.
Mech Combos are very common and can be seen in ever type of mech listed above. This type almost feels like a subtype because all mechs types have the possibility to do this. Combining mech generally share a theme like animals, rescue vehicles, etc. Some popular examples are Voltron and Megazords from Power Rangers/Super Sentai (yes that term applies to both watch Go-Busters).

  Ok now that we defined the different types of mechs let talk about what doesn't count as a mech.

Exo/Power suits
Now the concept of a power suit has inspired much of the mech genre it is not a mech. I don't consider this a mech mostly because it meant to wrap around the user like a suit of armor.

I'm about to make a few mech fans a little mad. These are not Mechs. These are giant lobotomized cyborgs that require a human to function I won't call them pilots it more like forced symbiosis. I have never been a fan of Neon Genesis Evangelion and I honestly hate that it's considered  part of the mech genre.

Ok now that we have defined what is and what isn't let's answer our question. To Fall under the Mech Genre a show, movie, comic, or book must have a mechanism of robotic nature as defined above. So basicly if it has a larger than human Robot it falls into the mech genre So to close out this one here my favorite mech theme song


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