Top 5 Final Fantasy Games

How the hell did I miss this with all the talk about Pokemon I haven't ever wrote anything about the upcoming FInal Fantasy XV.  Not a thing no review of the Movie Kingsglaive or  the Brotherhood anime. So I figured I do this simply my top 5 Final Fantasy games.
I'm going to be quick with this one so I can get to playing Final Fantasy XV. Also give me a few weeks and I may review it haven't done that in a while. Now this list is my personal opinion so here is my list starting with Number 5

5. Final Fantasy X
I loved this game and it's story of duty, destiny, and love. While the voice acting doesn't hold up by today's standards it one I find myself coming back to from time to time

 4. Final Fantasy IX
Great story, amazing characters, and a magnum opus to the more traditional Fantasy setting of the Series.

3 Final Fantasy VI
Easy their fanboys i get it this is the agreed upon Best Final Fantasy ever and it made my top 3 but it not my number one even though it has an amazing story with amazing characters 

2. Final Fantasy VII
This Game is here for so many reasons that to list them all would just take too long. The main reasons is the story was gripping and was a mix of traditional fantasy and modern setting that set the tone for future games.

 1. Final Fantasy IV
This is my favorite Final Fantasy it had everything that made Final Fantasy great plus an awesome redemption story and a Spoony Bard.

These are my top 5 Final Fantasy games you may agree you may disagree that cool let me know below.


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