We Need Megazord Power!

So Grab your duck tape because we got some leaks to to cover boys and girls. So based on that and the title you know what we are talking about the Toys R Us Leak of the Power Rangers 2017 Movie Megazord.

Ok So Friday(11/4) Toys R Us leaked not one but two different Megazords toys. The 1st one was a non transformable Megazord figure and the 2nd was a combining set. Now to cover their asses the official Power Ranger twitter poster this:
This image is of the non transformable figure. So after seeing this I had to find the other image because this thing well left me shocked. After a few minutes of searching I found it and my opinion changed. I will not be including an image of the other as Saban has asked people to to spread this around and I will respect their wishes, and from what I've read Toys R Us may be in a lot of legal trouble over this snafu. If you want to find the image I suggest searching for "power rangers movie megazord toy leak".

So with that out there when I 1st saw it I didn't like it. The non transforming figure lacks color. It was to much gray and that weird scaling. I was honestly not happy with it. When I saw the combining set the design grew on me. I love how the design aesthetic matches the ranger design. I mean look at the Ninja Megazord for the old Mighty Morphin Power Ranger Movie.
    This thing was garbage so that a point for the new Megazord. Another thing that grew on me was wings I love the idea of a flying Megazord with my two favorites being Ninja MegaFalconzord and the Dino Charge Megazord Tri-Stega-Ptera formation. So the fact that the Pterodactyl Zord makes a the head and wings instead of the chest. So another point 2 points for the new movie.

So another thing I wanted to talk about was when you see the image of the combined figure you will see a $99 price tag. This is because I'm sure it a set of the DX zords.
The T-rex Zord (pictured above) is running at about $45 if you can get it. So the price makes sense i'd image that the others will be cheaper in price. So I'm interested in seeing official images of the MegaZord from the movie  because the toys often never represent the screen product. With all of the leaks I'm still hyped for the movie.


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