Gaming in 2017

2017 is now here and gaming stands on interesting peak where the road can continue to up but it can also fall quickly as well. 2016 was fill with a lot of downs for gaming and the Big 3 Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are at a point where they can shape the future. Now as a gamer I want to throw my 2 cents into the ring and express my concern and thoughts for what they can do improve.  Now let us get to it.

I love Nintendo have sense I was a child. From Mario to Zelda I love their games and characters.With the Switch coming out and it having the potential to replace both the wii U and the 3DS. If i was to offer Nintendo any sort of criticism it is that you are more than Mario and Zelda. You have so many flagships titles that deserve love yet we got games with big franchise names that were almost shovel ware. You had 3 big anniversary and you ignored one, minimised another, and didn’t personally handle the 3rd. What i’m talking about is Zelda and Metroid’s 30th anniversary, and Pokemon’s 20th. Zelda got a minimal celebration with a virtual console release, new game announcement, and amiibos. Metroid got no announcements, one game that fan hates, and no amiibos. On top of that a beautiful fan remake of the Metroid 2 was shut down because it was not approved. Pokemon’s anniversary was the best and that may be because it was handled by The Pokemon Company and Gamefreak.  This is where I want to offer my advice. You have so many flagship titles but no support for them. You launched a new Star Fox that was just a remake of Star Fox 64. Pokemon works because it is handled in house by Pokemon. What i’m saying is give complete creative control over to your in house developers like Retro Studios and HAL Laboratory.  I mean it let them grown and let them work on a handful of Nintendo flagships to help them grow and innovate. Also if this was case stop creating false scarcity like with the NES Classic.

I don’t even know where to start with with Microsoft. You close and cancel better than 75% of your games and studios. You push for cross platform play yet that platform is garbage. You seem to want to compete with Steam yet you are not even competing. The Scorpio looks good on paper but so does communism. If you want to compete with PC gaming  than make a machine that like a PC is modular. You're working on making VR more affordable awesome but Scorpio needs to have modular hardware yet Universal software with periodic updates. You rose so high with the 360  and fell so far with the One. I want you to succeed as you were the 1st American made console in a long time.

Sony you have risen higher than ever before like a phoenix from the ashes. You’ve improved everything that you did wrong with the PS3 and even embraced VR. Keep up the good work but to give some criticism stop trying to be first and make sure your stuff works. The pro on paper looks awesome but has fallen short of the promised item. Another small bit of advice I will offer is push for full VR games not just as an added bonus make full VR games. Sony you have done well cept for small bumps in the road and you just need to get that thought out of your head that you can compete with PC. You may be able to compete with PC’s VR platform but not with it in a gaming standpoint. Take it from someone who had a choice of PS4pro and new PC I’m taking the PC.

My final thoughts in this are simple advice for all three companies you need to start innovating at the same time as being affordable these last next gen consoles were amazing with one exception I had a computer that out shined them by a factor of two. Even now the my New rig will out shine the PS4 pro. You either need to make hardware that changes the way we look at gaming or you need to hardware that outclasses the PC in performance and affordability. Let's see where 2017 takes us.


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