Profile: Hero of Time
As time move forward the more things change the more they stay the same. The N64 nintendo's new 3d graphics console boasting it push past the 32 bit and went straight for 64 brings with it a new perspective. With that new perspective came a new Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time (OoT) brought Zelda into the realm of 3d and changed how the franchise would be moving forward. With all of this talk about the change of the franchise what about Link well let's Take a look at the Hero of Time .

Name: Link ( or Given last time I'll do this as games from here on out default to Link)
Age: 10, 11, 17
Motivation: Moderate to High
The Hero of Time's motivation is a reflection of The Hero of Legend as they both start out very similar. Let me break this down as best i can. The Hero of Time's story starts out by being awoken and informed of a great destiny. I have problems with destiny as a motivation yeah it's nice easy motive but it lessens the impact of the character on the story as anyone can then feel that role. Now as the game progresses this changes it becomes less about his destiny and more about correcting a mistake. One of the thing that I love about this game and is often overlooked is that the whole reason Ganon was able to take control of Hyrule in the game was because of Link opening the door to the sacred realm by pulling the Master Sword. This change givens him a personal sense of responsibility and increases his Motivation as a hero. If it hasn't been clear I'm a sucker for a personal reason to motivate a character as it can provide so much growth. Now this is the last time we see the Hero of Time as OoT was not his only playable role. This Link returned In the dark direct sequel Majora's Mask. In this game Link In search of a lost friend. As he travels he comes across a familiar Skull Kid wielding unusual powers. This Skull Kid then turns Link into a Deku Scrub and takes off with the Ocarina of Time and Epona leaving Link to die in the lost woods. Link Follows and finds himself in Termina with only 3 days to recover all that he has lost.This game's motives are higher than the last and show just how noble Link is. Ok Let me clarify every Link is noble the dialog of the many games refers heavy on the concept of knighthood. Sure Link could've easily abandoned every one in Termina but he would hate himself after. While this starts off as a personal choir to recover what was taken it becomes more as link is forced over and over to relive the same 3 days in hopes to save the people who never remember him.

This Link's legacy is well complicated because this is the Link who well Split the timeline, I guess I'll handle this in the order of game release which brings me to his legacy in Wind Waker. In This game which is a story built on the world Link saved before being sent back to the past to live his life normally. This Hero of Time is revered as a legend and as such we young boys come of age they were a garb similar to his. The interesting thing about this is it even references the fact that he suddenly disappears. This is an interesting contrast to what comes next in Twilight Princess. In this game the new Link encounters a warrior spirit who seeks to hand down all he has learned. This Spirit is the forgotten Hero of Time. This is the legacy of Link after his adventures in Majora's Mask. This Legacy is fill with regret some much so that he manifest for the Next hero interrupting the cycle of resurrection. It's only after you learned all of his techniques that he can rest in piece. The Hero of Time Legacy is not just limited to those to time lines. You must remember he also failed in one story line and it here that his legacy is all but lost. There is a reference to the war that comes after this loss and the sages sealing Ganon in the realm but not of a hero.
Possible BoW Link: Low to Moderate
There are a lot of theories about who this Link could be and what timeline Breath of the Wild falls in. Now I fall in the camp of the Fallen Hero timeline however for the sake of this speculation i suspend that notation, however I do look at this logically from a story standpoint. While it is possible that this Link is the Hero of Time i have my doubts. let's look at this logically and work with in each timeline and the information we have at hand. Let's start with the Adult timeline this unlikely for two reasons. The 1st reason is the Hero no longer exists in this timeline. The 2nd reason is when Ganon returned no hero showed up and the gods flooded the kingdom. So that eliminated the Hero of Time for the adult timeline. Now the child timeline this is also unlikely for two reasons. The 1st is Ganon was sealed in the twilight realm almost immediately after the event of OoT. The 2nd reason is listed above. The Hero Spirit would not have any regret if Breath of the Wild happened before Twilight Princess. That leaves the fallen hero timeline while I find it possible that it take place in this timeline I am unsure about if this Link is the Hero of Time. To for it to be this link 2 things need to be true. The 1st is Link has to have lived through the battle in OoT and not won. The 2nd thing would be that Breath of the Wild Takes place during or just before the sealing war that sealed off the sacred realm. Now with what we have seen in the story trailer from the Switch presentation it is more likely this may be true. The more I write about this speculation the more that I'm not sure what I thought I knew. I am entertaining new ideas and I may share them however none of that matters here. What does matter is what comes next and that going to take team of heroes to handle.

Name: Link ( or Given last time I'll do this as games from here on out default to Link)
Age: 10, 11, 17
Motivation: Moderate to High


Possible BoW Link: Low to Moderate
There are a lot of theories about who this Link could be and what timeline Breath of the Wild falls in. Now I fall in the camp of the Fallen Hero timeline however for the sake of this speculation i suspend that notation, however I do look at this logically from a story standpoint. While it is possible that this Link is the Hero of Time i have my doubts. let's look at this logically and work with in each timeline and the information we have at hand. Let's start with the Adult timeline this unlikely for two reasons. The 1st reason is the Hero no longer exists in this timeline. The 2nd reason is when Ganon returned no hero showed up and the gods flooded the kingdom. So that eliminated the Hero of Time for the adult timeline. Now the child timeline this is also unlikely for two reasons. The 1st is Ganon was sealed in the twilight realm almost immediately after the event of OoT. The 2nd reason is listed above. The Hero Spirit would not have any regret if Breath of the Wild happened before Twilight Princess. That leaves the fallen hero timeline while I find it possible that it take place in this timeline I am unsure about if this Link is the Hero of Time. To for it to be this link 2 things need to be true. The 1st is Link has to have lived through the battle in OoT and not won. The 2nd thing would be that Breath of the Wild Takes place during or just before the sealing war that sealed off the sacred realm. Now with what we have seen in the story trailer from the Switch presentation it is more likely this may be true. The more I write about this speculation the more that I'm not sure what I thought I knew. I am entertaining new ideas and I may share them however none of that matters here. What does matter is what comes next and that going to take team of heroes to handle.
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