Profile The Hero of Legend
Time moves on and fans become more impatient. The Nintendo Entertainment System now has be replaced by the Super Nintendo. With this new console it left fans with one question "Where is Zelda?". Well Nintendo answered with The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past(ALTTP) and with a new Zelda comes a new Link. So Lets take a look at this New Hero of Legend.
Name: Link (or Given)
Age: 14-16?
Motivation: High
Before I ever evaluate this Link I have to break down that this Link holds the record for most games. Let's do the list before I break down the motivation of this Link. He has been the lead in ALTTP, Oracle of Seasons (OoS), Oracle of Ages (OoA), and Link's Awakening. With that laid out that also the order we will cover his motivation so lets get started. In ALTTP Link is suddenly awoke by a voice in his head begging for his help. He awakens to find his Uncle sword and shield in hand. His Uncle telling him to stay ut that he be back soon. Link follows to find his uncle hurt and must now set off to free the Princess from her captors. After rescuing her they seek sanctuary and Link must set off gather the one weapon that defeat any evil. After gaining the weapons the whole plan goes fubar as Zelda get recaptured and the adventure really starts. This is probably one of the best motivations for of the hero's quest it's personal and it keeps getting worse. First his uncle is wounded and then his new friend Zelda captured while he was supposed to be protecting her. This is a classic hero's journey with each turn increasing the personal motivation. With ALTTP taken care of i'm going to take cover both OoA and OoS as Link's motives are the same for both games. In the Oracle games Link is becond by the Triforce and as he approaches the relic he is sent to Holodrum (Seasons) and Labrynna (Ages) where he befriends the titular Oracle. After spending time with them and becoming friends the Oracle is then captured for their power. Link must the set off the save his friend and bring peace back to the land. Again these games show the personal motivation yeah Link was sent on this mission by the gods but never told why. He only learns when he gets there that Zelda is also seeking to protect the Oracles by running into Impa Zelda's Handmaiden. These personal reason better drive Link to achieve the goal.
After leaving Labrynna by boat Link encounters a storm and is washed onto a mysterious Island named Koholint. There Link meets Marin and Learns that to leave this island he must Awaken the Wind Fish. Link's Awakening is may seem to be the weakest in terms of motivation as he is just trying to get home. That is one of the masterful illusion of this game. Awakening the Wind Fish saves the island and as you journey Link slowly develops a budding romance with Marin. This actions greatly increase his reason to complete this mission. Personal Motivation like this are a better way to build a character and give the player more of a connection to the character.

This is something I will be adding where is applies as some links have a Legacy others do not. The Hero of Legend does have a legacy in the form of A Link Between Worlds. In the game this Link is revered as a hero and his story has been passed down through the ages with a Mural of his story in the palace however this only covers ALTTP.
Possible BoW Link: Moderate
Has this Link returned for another adventure in the Kingdom of Hyrule? Possible but not Likely. While this Link may be the best candidate skills and experience wise to be the Breath of the Wild Link it is the fact that he has a legacy brought up in another game the lowers his odds. Again I could be very wrong. I hope everyone enjoys and will return next week for our look at the Hero of Time.

Age: 14-16?
Motivation: High

After leaving Labrynna by boat Link encounters a storm and is washed onto a mysterious Island named Koholint. There Link meets Marin and Learns that to leave this island he must Awaken the Wind Fish. Link's Awakening is may seem to be the weakest in terms of motivation as he is just trying to get home. That is one of the masterful illusion of this game. Awakening the Wind Fish saves the island and as you journey Link slowly develops a budding romance with Marin. This actions greatly increase his reason to complete this mission. Personal Motivation like this are a better way to build a character and give the player more of a connection to the character.

This is something I will be adding where is applies as some links have a Legacy others do not. The Hero of Legend does have a legacy in the form of A Link Between Worlds. In the game this Link is revered as a hero and his story has been passed down through the ages with a Mural of his story in the palace however this only covers ALTTP.
Possible BoW Link: Moderate
Has this Link returned for another adventure in the Kingdom of Hyrule? Possible but not Likely. While this Link may be the best candidate skills and experience wise to be the Breath of the Wild Link it is the fact that he has a legacy brought up in another game the lowers his odds. Again I could be very wrong. I hope everyone enjoys and will return next week for our look at the Hero of Time.
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