
Showing posts from January, 2012

Good News Everyone: Hasbro Caned the Transformers Prime First Edition

So yesterday while on my break from work I pull out my phone and check my favorite Transformers website . Now while there I see a story on the Prime First Edition (FE) figures and I check it out and it basically says the one thing I didn’t want to hear about.   Hasbro for some unknown reason has canceled the rest of the FE line meaning no Cliffjumper, no Bulkhead, No Vehicon, and No Prime. So needless to say I’m a little upset but there is a bright side I will no long have three Bumblebee’s. I will get the RID Bumblebee but not the FE. I will also still get FE of Arcee and Starscream. And if all goes well I have found the FE’s of Prime, Bulkhead, and Cliffjumper on eBay. So I will try and make February a more Review friendly month with those prime figures and the 1 st of the Voltron Classics as well. As for the near future I’ve got three reviews coming up I have Generations WFC Cliffjumper, and Blurr, and I also have a custom weapons for FE Arcee.

Review: Transformers Generations Sergeant Kup

So today for you I bring a review of an old figure that I have put off getting for far to long part of Last years Transformers Generations line I give you Kup. Truck mode Kup's truck mode is a solid design The design reminds me of a mix of an older truck and a sports truck like an S10. I like the design and it fitting of Kup. Now in this mode you can store his weapon one of two ways 1st is under him as the 2nd tail pipe. The 2nd way is on top where it clips on for a battle mode Robot Mode Kup's Robot design is inspired by both his G1 self and his IDW self He has a solid design and is fairly poseable The Gun is also very detailed and can be stored on his back in robot mode Size Comparison In truck mode Kup fits in well with any of the classic and up line of Transformers. Seen here with Classics Rodimus (Hot Rod) and Generations Drift he is very well scaled it is when they are in robot mode that problems come in. As seen here Drift and Kup are almost the same b

My problem with RE

So this week I picked up Halo Anniversary and I started playing it and the initial feeling of nostalgia wore off after a holly crap that grunt exploded and took out those two elites and the 4 grunts moment where I try out the new skull I got to thinking. Now I love Halo CE but as I play this game I realize that the only thing they took from Reach was the graphics and they are B E A U T FUL. However the A.I. got no improvements your allies are idiots that if left to drive a vehicle will run you over. the enemies are just as bad I'm not breaking a sweat with hunters at all. I now Under stand why the game got such low reviews because I expect more from now than I did then. don't get me wrong I still love the game and I'm still trying to figure out some of the games  hidden things but it brings us to my point I being to have a problem with RE's.   So after realizing my slight disappointment with this RE-release I decided to look up some news on a toy line that ha

I Dig Giant Robots

Sorry for my absence and lateness again on my year review post. Now on the topic of why I took a line from Megas XLR theme for the title well there are two reasons 1 it is true and B I recently had on my mind one of my favorite Giant Robots on my mind and I’d like to share it with you.   So I picked up recently Voltron Defender of the Universe for the Xbox live arcade and this game is a lot of fun. It is primarily a top down arcade shooter until you get to a boss fight then it becomes a series of quick time events. Now don’t get me wrong I enjoy the game it wicked fun and surprisingly hard even on easy or as it called nanny. IF this game was released as a now arcade game I t would not be received as well However it is a good formula to start with. For a larger game I would give this game a few changes. Change 1 put all 5 lions in the level with the other 4 being NPCs, 2 nd I would have levels with just the pilots, 3 rd Give the big guy more room to roam not just these quick time

2011 year Review

So another year has come and gone and I feel that we need to talk about the highs and lows of 2011. The Year its self has had many interesting things for me in the way of nerd culture. And in this blog I will cover the best and worst Toys, Games, TV, Comics, and Movies. Each will have multiples of good and bad and I will go in depth about most of them.  I’ll start with toys Toys For toys this year has been rather basic we saw releases that where announced last year and things that we are not getting till next year.  But that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any good new or bad news. The good news and I mean news is the announcement of several new things one my favorite 1 st person shooter franchise Half-Life/an (yes they are the same game series) is getting not only a toy line from NECA but replicas as well. Another thing was the new classic line from is Voltron Defender of the Universe. Hasbro announced the return of the marvel Legends line. Both Toyfair and SDCC show of