
Showing posts from 2017

Last Jedi Countdown: The Fall of the Jedi

So Episode VIII the Last Jedi is approaching quickly and being the lore nerd that I am there are some subjects that I want to address. I feel these subjects would tie into the theming of the new movie. Now the subject of the fall of the Jedi Order is one that often catches my attention most people don’t understand how, why they fell, or how they became the subject of myth and fear. There are three factors that led to the fall of the order at the hand of the sith lord who became Emperor Palpatine. The factors are Disconnection from the force, Influenced by the dark side, and Propaganda. Each one of these factor led to the fall of the Jedi Order in different ways and we will discuss them in depth. Disconnection from the Force Near the end of the order the Jedi appility to use the force was greatly diminished. Master Mace Windu in Episode III even stated as much, “I think it is time we inform the Senate that our ability to use the Force has diminished.” What does this even mean t

A Letter about Pacific RIm

So it's been a while but it's time for another letter and it not to who you think. These letters are never meant to insult but to offer constructive criticism and advice. So with SDCC ending and so many announcements the one that made me super happy was about Pacific Rim: Uprising. We got both a teaser trailer and merch.  That merch is why I am writing a letter I have ideas.

Kingdom Hearts 3 is coming?

So this past weekend Disney held there D23 Expo and at their video game coverage panel we saw a new gameplay trailer for the mythical Kingdom Hearts 3. This got me both excited and thinking about how to introduce new people to the series because while this is the 3rd main game it the 10th game released counting the 2.8 prolog game. This is the major problem with the series is the bearer of entry is well high and confusing. So i'm makeing my list of what game you need to play and why. I will also explain why the others don't need to be played.  So let's get on board the Gummi ship and get started.

Zelda A Breath of Fresh Air

So it's been two weeks since the launch of the Switch and the release of Zelda Breath of the Wild and I have finally finished the game. I got the Master Sword I beat Gannon and saved Princess Zelda. The Game has a lot of charm and lefter me in awe. seriously i'm wondering how long it will be before I stop dream of Hyrule and my adventures their. So with all this said and done I want to give a quick review and then touch my final timeline theory. So let get started and Look at Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Profile: The Fallen Hero of Lorule

So today is the Day and I am currently diving into an new open world of Legend of Zelda. Until I can talk about this game and where it is in the world because as I'm writing this I'm still waiting to pick mine up. So to kill time I have one more Hero I could profile and that hero is well Link's Lorule counterpart Ravio.

Profile: Hero of Lorule

As time went on and the fans clamored for more of their favorite game A Link to the Past. Nintendo heard the cries of fans and began work on a new 3DS title in the Legend of Zelda. This game was a direct sequel to A Link to the Past and was called A Link Between Worlds. The game was an amazing new Game the quickly made most people's top 5 games. Now with this game come a another new Link so let's take a look at this new hero.

Profile: Chosen Hero of the Goddess

As time moves on and So does the Zelda games and with the massive success of the Wii Nintendo was ready to try something new. That new came in the form of tighter motion controls and a new Zelda game to show them off in the form of  Skyward Sword. Now let us take a look at our new Chosen Hero.

Profile: Hero of the Spirit Tracks

As we continue down our path of Zelda games over the years we must return again to the handhelds for another's adventure. The Adventure is known as The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks and takes place in the Adult Timeliner like wind Waker and Phantom Hourglass before it. This Game is set in a new Hyrule and you guessed it stars another Link. So let's take a look at the Hero of the Spirit Tracks.

Profile: Hero of Twilight

As the Gamecube reached the end of it's life and the Wii brought new life to Nintendo fans only wanted one thing. The Zelda game that was promised to them. Well Nintendo delivered and we got The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess on both the Wii and Gamecube. So lets take a look at this darker version of Link.

Profile: Hero of Minish

The next installment of the Zelda Franchise moved to the world of handhelds once again with  The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap. The Game brought a new perspective to the franchise and like the others brought us a new Link.

Profile: The Hero of Light

Wind Waker was well poorly received and while Nintendo was working on what fans wanted, more on that when it come around, they decided to well pacify fans for a while.  This pacification was to take the acclaimed Four Swords and make a longer game on the GameCube and use the GBA as controllers. With this venture into co-op we get a new Link you how does this one stand.

A letter about Yu-Gi-Oh!

So at the tell end of last year I wrote The Good Smile Company a (hypothetical) letter. In that letter i talk about my desire to see more Legend of Zelda Stuff and they have not disappointed with a Breath of the Wild Nendoroid announced. This time though I have another subject I'd like to address.  That subject is Yu-Gi-Oh! that right the harmless children's card game with the goofy haired protagonists. I just recently got my Figma Dark Magician Girl and so I though write another letter but this time the letter is to Max Factory who work closely with the Good Smile Company. So let's get started Shall we.

What am I Doing?

So I've been taking a break from Zelda writing to play some really awesome games and these game are well something I've never done before. It's not that these Games are genres I've never touched before but rather part of a program I'm not a big fan of. That program is Early Access ... Yeah I'm not a huge fan of this program mostly because of the countless number of games that have never finished or never will finish. However I've found myself playing not one but 2 games in early access.

Profile: The Hero of Winds

Another console generation From Nintendo came with hopes of a more epic Zelda. That loveable little lunch box known as Gamecube promised just a game. This tech demo made fans excited and just a few year passed and we got the next chapter of the Zelda franchise in the Wind Waker.

Profile: The Heroes of Four Sword

Sometime you move forward and other time you move backwards. Our next Links (yeah you're reading that right Links with a S) was well a step sideways. With the rerelease of a Link to the Past on the GameBoy Advance came a surprise to show off the new four player link cable. So include was a side game staring Link and had four player co-op. This game was Four Swords and had well four Links.

I may Be Wrong About Breath of the Wild

So I want to keep this brief. During my Link Profiles I have been speculating  whether or not the Link in breath of the wild may or may not be a Link we have played. After the story trailer at the Nintendo Switch event got me thinking. This has well shattered my theory about this being a link we have seen. I stand by that this Game is in the fallen hero timeline, however I no longer believe that this Link is a Link we've seen before. I have a theory as to when this game takes place and I want to share it with you. This game take place after and event called the Sealing War. After Ganon  defeated Link the people of Hyrule rise up and seal Ganon away. We know next to nothing about this event other than it happened. It is then followed by an event in which Ganon is sealed in the sacred realm leading to the plot of A Link to the Past. I thinking that Breath of the Wild takes place during or between these events. Let me explain where I am coming from. During the Switch Treehouse even

Profile: Hero of Time

As time move forward the more things change the more they stay the same. The N64 nintendo's new 3d graphics console boasting it push past the 32 bit and went straight for 64 brings with it a new perspective. With that new perspective came a new Legend of Zelda. Ocarina of Time (OoT) brought Zelda into the realm of 3d and changed how the franchise would be moving forward. With all of this talk about the change of the franchise what about Link well let's Take a look at the Hero of Time .

And I'll Form the Awesome: Voltron Legendary Defender season 2 Review/Reaction

Taking a break The Legend of Zelda profiles I decided to watch something I've been waiting for all winter. Voltron: Legendary Defender season 2 is now live on Netflix, and I've watched it to completion. So sit back as I review and react to season 2.

Profile The Hero of Legend

Time moves on and fans become more impatient.  The Nintendo Entertainment System now has be replaced by the Super Nintendo. With this new console it left fans with one question "Where is Zelda?". Well Nintendo answered with The Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past(ALTTP)  and with a new Zelda comes a new Link. So Lets take a look at this New Hero of Legend.

Profile Hero of Hyrule.

So who remembers placing in that golden cartridge naming your character and walking in that cave to get your first sword because it was dangerous to go alone. That is where is started for so many Zelda fan 30 years ago but as time passed many of us asked what the story was and who is the Hero of Hyrule. Well that's what i aim to find out as we Look at the original Link Hero of Hyrule.

Switch On!

So Nintendo has finally let open the flood gates that is the Nintendo Switch, but what did we actually learn and what am I going to do with the blog until then. Well I've got 9 weeks to go so expect so much content with thoughts idea's and whole lot of Zelda stuff until March 3 and I Switch over (Damnit the pun are just too easy).

Gaming in 2017

2017 is now here and gaming stands on interesting peak where the road can continue to up but it can also fall quickly as well. 2016 was fill with a lot of downs for gaming and the Big 3 Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft are at a point where they can shape the future. Now as a gamer I want to throw my 2 cents into the ring and express my concern and thoughts for what they can do improve.  Now let us get to it.