
Showing posts from September, 2012

Compare and Contrast Time: TMNT

In my life there are a few passions that rise above the others one of such is my childhood love of Ninjas. No not that Orange Track suit version that come from Japan no I mean the Teenage Mutant Turtle verity. Back in May of 1984 Kevin Eastman and Peter Laird created 4 characters name after four Renaissance artists. These 4 iconic turtles have survived the test of time and much more. So I though that with the new Nickelodeon show coming up I'd take this time to look back and compare the different iterations over the years. I will look at the story and characters from the original Mirage comics, The original Animated series, the movies, the 4kids series, and the IDW comics. Story Mirage comics The Mirage comic are where the turtles where born. Most of  stories  we know.  The 1st few issues introduce the origins turtle how a chemical truck nearly missing a young boy carelessly walking the street causing both to lose a item the boy his fish bowl with 4 baby turtles and truck