
Showing posts from August, 2012

Review: Transformers: Fall of Cybertron.

Two Years ago I wrote my first review for the blog about Transformers: War for Cybertron (WFC). Well time has passed and the much anticipated squeal Transformers: Fall of Cybertron (FOC)  is out and I am here to share my opinion with you. Another thing being done in this review is that I am dropping my 5 point scale in favor of  a 10 point scale for two reasons. First my blog is also published at  and they use a 10 point scale I do this to avoid confusion. Second I realized that with a 5 point scale that I would give this Game a 5 out of 5  but in my mind that's a perfect game and while FOC is far from perfect. Now on with my review. Story The story this time around is much better it is more of the epic tale we expect with this franchise. In stead of two separate but intertwined stories FOC has one overarching story that is told from different perspectives. I wont go to much details about the plot other than to say it involves the search for energon and esc

I got a Tumblr

So I got a tumbler and here is the link  I will mostly be re posting my blogs from here to is to give my blog more exposure.

Thoughts on the Nintendo Wii U

Since it's full debut at E3 2012 Nintendo's new Console the Wii U has had some mixed results. Now sit and I'll tell you why the Nintendo Wii U is going to be a must have for gamers. Now to do this we need to talk about a few things mainly The Games, The Gamepad, and The full HD support. I'm going to start by talking about the HD support. The HD The Wii U will support full 1080p HD which was probably the biggest draw back for the Wii. I don't remember how many times I've read in a Wii game review "The graphics are good for a Wii game". I hated that line but you had to do it because while Wii games had the story and the game play to match up with the other consoles the graphics where only just better than the Gamecube. HD was the only logical movie to make with the next console. The Games Here is where I may geek out a bit. mostly because of how they are using the the games. To see a list of games that are coming out in or around launch just

A New Name for the Blog

As you will see by this post I have changed the name of The Nerd Word to G.A.M.E. which stands for Games, Action figures, Movies, Etc. Yeah I know Action figures is two words but G.A.F.M.E. doesn't work. There are two reasons I changed the name one I had always meant for Nerd word to be temporary and B the name is just unoriginal. so I was sitting around think of well video games and it hit me and G.A.M.E. was born.