
Showing posts from November, 2011

Stop S.O.P.A.

Today blog is not related to anything nerd. Today it is about a bill in congress that is called S.O.P.A. or Stop Online Piracy Act. Now I heard about this while watching an escapist review of The Muppets. so I look it up on the Google and here is what I found out The bill's goal is simple stop online piracy however to do that the U.S government would have the power to make search sites like Google and Yahoo! remove the site from its searches and make payment processors like PayPal stop business with any site it finds committing piracy. The Bill has good intention but to quote an old adage the path to hell was paved with good intentions. This bill violates two freedoms the freedom of speech and the freedom of information. The U.N. declared the internet a human right and I agree with them because this bill would restrict that right. So in short I ask you to contact you Congressmen and implore them to vote down this bill. if you don't know who your congressmen is then go to http:/

Holiday Shoppers Guide

Welcome one Welcome all to what I hope is my 1st annual Holiday buyers guide. Like another famous guide i would like to star by saying DON"T PANIC! Now with Black Friday just around the corner I wish to help you find that gift  this guide will be broken up into 3 parts Toys, Tech, and Video Games. in each part i will recommenced a product or website in witch to buy you holiday items from Toys OK for toys i wont come out and just recommend a single toy line but instead i want to talk about a few of my favorite sites. 1st up is my personal fav I love this place here I can get every thing in collectable swag from the ever easy to find to the rare and unique. BBTS right now is having there Black Friday Sale seen here . this sale take many rare and not so rare items and has knock them down check it out before Monday. Next is my favorite main stream toy site    They like BBTS have a unique selection however unlike BBTS they have a lot more younger aim

I Has a New Toy (sort of)

So a few months ago I had put ino that does figures reviews advices the same thing you need a Light Tent/Box well instead of spending a lot of money on one like this I made one. I followed simple directions found here and built my own. Now this light box is only temporary I'm hoping to get this one . So to show off my new Light Tent I took pictures of some of my collection so take a look and tell me what you think.

In Brightest Day or Was it Blackest Night

So I come home from work (yes I'm working now so blogs are less frequent but not stopping like with school) and I sat down and watched my Friday cartoons on my DVR and among the new Young Justice and ThunderCats  is the 1 hour premier of Green Lantern: The Animated Series. So I watched and a studied it as I looked on to this story that follows two of the more popular GLs Hal "High Ball" Jordan and GL Drill Sargent Kilowog. The story is pretty basic to start with a GL is killed and 18 months later (I'll get to that one in a bit) his ring shows up during a disciplinary action hearing for Hal. The Lantern killed is not a lantern of the 3000 know sectors if space but from what the show calls the frontier sectors so far away that it takes 18 months at top flight speed. So Hal and Wog "borrow" a prototype star cruiser and head out their to check in on these frontier lanterns and find out who is killing them. during this mission they meet the newly formed Red