
Showing posts from March, 2017

Zelda A Breath of Fresh Air

So it's been two weeks since the launch of the Switch and the release of Zelda Breath of the Wild and I have finally finished the game. I got the Master Sword I beat Gannon and saved Princess Zelda. The Game has a lot of charm and lefter me in awe. seriously i'm wondering how long it will be before I stop dream of Hyrule and my adventures their. So with all this said and done I want to give a quick review and then touch my final timeline theory. So let get started and Look at Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Profile: The Fallen Hero of Lorule

So today is the Day and I am currently diving into an new open world of Legend of Zelda. Until I can talk about this game and where it is in the world because as I'm writing this I'm still waiting to pick mine up. So to kill time I have one more Hero I could profile and that hero is well Link's Lorule counterpart Ravio.