
Showing posts from April, 2013

Transform and Roll Out.

Hello again readers, sorry for these long absence but the real world has well dropped a bomb on me.  However I’ve been back to collecting Transformers figures plus other thing here and there,  however lately Transformers has been well confusing me. The cartoon and it’s toy line was recently rebranded to include the sub title Beast Hunters (more on that later), and the generation line is now including figures based on the IDW comic book. After seeing these figures I was ecstatic. But I have issues with both of these lines. With Prime Beast Hunters my problem is the huge line of new figures and the introductions of Predacons (which made me happy as a Beast War fan).  I’m not too happy about how they went about it.  The introduce a clone of an ancient Cybertron beast know as a Predacon (the figures call him Predaking the same name used by the G1 Predacon Combiners). The toy line would have lead one to belive that Predaking is intelligent and can transform, However the show has